Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun
In the Torah, Pesach (Passover) and the Feast of Matzot (Chag Ha-Matzot) are two connected holidays, rather than a single holiday that begins with the...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
As we consider the oracle of Amos against Israel, we puzzle over the first charge of the indictment: selling the innocent for silver and the poor for...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
Having considered the seven oracles with which Amos opens his book, we now turn to the rousing conclusion: the oracle against Samaria. What does its...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun
Some of the words and phrases in the opening verses of Parashat Va'era are taken from the covenant of circumcision, while others are taken from the...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
After a brief glance at the exiles in verse 3, we will soon return our attention to Jerusalem, but not immediately. First, we experience the eerie...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
As we prepare to consider the final oracle of Amos, against Israel, we take a moment to consider the structure of the preceding oracles. Where does the...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
Picking up the theme of loneliness from the previous verse, this verse emphasizes the haunting absence of comforters. Tears remain undried on Jerusalem’s...
Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun
Who was Moshe in the early part of his life – in his own eyes, in the eyes of his surroundings (in Egypt/in the wilderness), in the eyes of his people,...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?” said Moshe to God. “And how can I possibly get the Israelites out of Egypt?” On the surface the meaning is clear....
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
In this lesson, we will analyze the rhetorical style of these prophecies, specifically the opening formula of each. In the next lecture, we will study the...