
Total Number of articles: 1579
Shiur #09
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom Source:
In this lecture, we will continue our study of Amos’ oracles against the nations. In the previous chapter, we surveyed the history of Eisav/ Edom until...
Shiur #08
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom Source:
In this lecture, we will continue our study of Amos’s oracles against the nations. In the previous chapter, we surveyed the histories of the coastal “...
Shiur #10
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
Although Eikha lacks actual comfort, in recalling the greatness of this city, the initial verse makes the present situation slightly more bearable. It...
Shiur #09
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
The opening of the book of Eikha reveals a melancholic scene. Formerly a bustling metropolis, Jerusalem is desolate; the sound of the priests mourning and...
Shiur #08
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
In this class, we will continue to examine the meaning that emerges from poetic features of the book of Eikha. The myriad voices in Eikha call attention...
Shiur #07
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
A sustained expression of anguish and woe, Eikha, like many compositions designed to convey human emotions, is a book of poetry, not prose. Designed to...
Rabbi Gad Eldad Source:
In our parasha, we read about Yaakov's desire, before passing away from this world, to reveal to his sons what awaits them at the end of days. This...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Source:
When Jacob wanted to tell his children what would happen to them in the end of days, the Divine spirit was taken away from him. Why is this? We can...
Shiur #05
Dr. Yael Ziegler Source:
Eikha views God in a variety of ways, at times going so far as to depict God as either indifferent or hostile to Israel – even as Israel’s enemy. Before...
