
נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Noah in the Garden of Eden

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 38 דקות

    Parashat Noah is famous for the flood story, but this shiur focuses on the final story of Noah: the strange story of his drunkenness. Why did Noah deliberately plant a vineyard? Comparing this story with other stories bearing similar thematic and linguistic elements, such as the Garden of Eden, allows us to gain insight into Noah’s state of mind and character. 

  2. Noah's Vineyard - a Priority?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. Noah's Vineyard - Wine for Libations?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  4. Noach – To Be A Man of the Earth

    Rabbi Yaakov Beasley

    How did Noah, filled with the hopes of his generation, descend so rapidly to the state of shame and dishonor that marks his final appearance in the Torah? In order to answer our questions, we will rely on literary allusions and connections to other stories to decipher the cryptic answers encoded within the text in front of us. 

    In direct opposition to God's wish to repopulate the desolate earth, Noach chooses to refrain from bringing new life forth. Instead, he chose to avoid his destiny, to drown himself in his own handiwork. 

  5. Planting, Creation, and the New Year of the Trees Staff