Shaul and Shmuel

נמצאו 11 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. First Encounter with Shaul (II)

    Chapter 9 (Part II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    This lesson explores Shmuel and Shaul's first meeting. This meeting is accompanied by a variety of surprising elements, including serendipity and secrecy.

  2. The First War against Pelishtim (II)

    Chapters 13-14 (Part II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Shaul's impatience to wait for Shmuel costs him the monarchy. Why was Shmuel delayed until the last minute? Which biblical event is paralleled in this narrative, and what is the significance of the parallel?

  3. Shaul's War against Amalek (II)

    Chapter 15 (Part II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    After understanding the reasons behind Shaul's decision to keep Aggag alive, we must try and understand why the sin was so severe. This lesson will explore the essential reasoning behind the commandment to destroy property in certain wars, and the problem with ignoring this commandment.

  4. Shaul's War against Amalek (III)

    Chapter 15 (Part III)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    In conclusion of our discussion regarding the war against Amalek will discuss two central questions: a - Who owned the coat that was torn at the end of the story, and why is the text ambiguous about the owner of the coat? b - What is the relationship between the defeat against the Philistines and the loss of Shaul's monarchy?

  5. David's Flight (II)

    Chapter 19 (Part II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    When David escapes to Shmuel, a comical situation occurs: Shaul's messengers’ prophesied against their will, and eventually Shaul does as well. What is the significance of this episode? What can it teach us about Shaul and Shmuel? What links Shmuel and Eliyahu?

  6. Shaul in Ein-Dor (II)

    Chapter 28 (Part II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    This lesson completes our discussion of Shaul and the fortune teller. Why did Shmuel appear before Shaul? Why do Shaul and his men argue about whether they should eat? Was it really the Witch of Ein Dor who conjured up Shmuel ghost?

  7. The Well Scene: A Betrothal

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    This shiur follows the theme of a man from a foreign land meeting a woman at a well, and their meeting resulting in marriage. We will explore the unique qualities of each story. Ruth and Boaz do not meet at a well, but their unusual meeting does lead to marriage. What makes the story unique is that the female protagonist in the story is from a foreign land, instead of the man, and she is the true heroine of the story.

  8. Yerovam’s Demise

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    Both Yerovam and Shaul turn to the prophet that appointed them at their time of need. In both cases, the navi who appoints the king announces their rejection. Yerovam sends his wife to ask about their son, but why must she be disguised? Ahiya, prophecy is damning both for Yerovam - in a harsh and grotesque language - and for the entire nation. However, the parable and language that Ahiya uses for the punishement of the nation mitigates his message and gives hope. 

  9. Why did the Ammonite Threat Provoke the Israelites to Demand a King?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  10. I Shmuel 9-10

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Seeking lost donkeys and the origins of royalty, standing head and shoulders among the people yet hiding himself among the baggage: Introduced in this colorful story is Shaul, first king of Israel. 

  11. The First King's Last Night: Saul & The Witch of Ein Dor (Ba’alat Ov)

    Rabbi Joe Wolfson

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | | שעה ו- 2 דקות

    A short Tanakh story and one of the strangest: Saul, on the eve of battle consults a pagan necromancer to raise the prophet Samuel from the dead to find out his fate. Combining midrash, medieval commentaries, and Israeli poetry, this lecture looks at the life of the first King of Israel from the perspective of his last night alive.