
נמצאו 2 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Angels and Ladders

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 38 דקות

    When Yaakov embarks on his journey of exile to escape Esav’s wrath, he falls asleep and dreams of angels and a ladder, followed by God’s revelation to him. Yaakov immediately realizes that the dream and the location are significant, but do we? This shiur uses traditional parshanut and knowledge of the Ancient Near East to analyze the significance of the angels in Yaakov’s dream.

  2. Ramban on Shoftim - Does Jewish Society Exist in Chutz LaAretz?

    Rabbi Ezra Bick | 12 דקות

    This shiur looks at the mitzva of setting up courts as it appears in Parashat Shoftim. The Torah presents the setting up of courts as a sequential next step after settling in the Land of Israel, and commands people to follow the instructions of the judges and kohanim. Ramban distinguishes between the mitzva’s application in the land as opposed to elsewhere, during the exile. Are we commanded to set up courts in Jewish communities outside of Israel? One would expect that the rule of law is important anywhere. But in the Land of Israel, especially with the Mikdash at the center and the central court adjacent to it, the full potential of the Jewish community can be realized, and the courts can be set up as a firmly established institution, as opposed to an ad hoc basis.