Garments of the Kohen

נמצאו 10 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Sanctity and Service

    Rabbi Meir Spiegelman

    What is the significance of the differences between the garments worn by the regular Cohen and the clothing adorned by the High Priest? What exactly is the job of the regular priest? Is he permitted to work inside the Mishkan? The plain meaning of the text seems to indicate that the regular Cohen is prohibited from working inside the Mishkan; why then did they work there nonetheless?

  2. The Unifying Theme of Parashat Pekudei

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    From a literary perspective, are Vayak'hel - Pekudei one or two units? Why does Moshe's summation appear between the vessels and the garments, instead of concluding both episodes? A closer look at Parashat Pekudei shows that it is a separate episode; the distinction also clarifies the placement of the garments.

  3. Bigdei Kehuna

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 39 דקות

    Our parasha describes the garments of the Kohen Gadol in great detail. What is the purpose for these beautiful clothes? Is it to increase honour for the position in the eyes of the people? Is there deeper significance? Looking at the various items involved, we explore the symbolism of these garments and their connection to memory and the Divine encounter.

  4. The Mysterious White Garments of Yom Kippur

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman

    Why does the Kohen Gadol don white garments during the Yom Kippur service? Does this symbolize a heightened spiritual quality or perhaps a lower status? Yom Kippur is seemingly a day of new beginnings. The Kohen, together with the rest of the mishkan, are restored to their status prior to donning the white garments so that he will be able to once again wear his priestly garments in sanctity and purity. 

  5. The Symbolic Meaning of Clothing in Tanakh

    Dr. Avigail Rock |

    The Tanakh generally minimizes in the description of detail. Therefore, when we are privy to extra details we always have to wonder why these details are given, as they are always significant to the story. However, when it comes to clothing, the Tanakh often goes into great detail. Why is this? Why does the Tanakh give so many descriptions of specific clothing? By closely examining specific Tanakh texts we can see that clothing plays many roles in the Tanakh narrative, besides being simply what people wore. Clothing has a significant metaphorical meaning as well, reflecting a person’s identity and character. Clothing transfers the identity and emotion of a character, and provides the reader with the much deeper subtext of a story. Therefore, understanding the nature of clothing in Tanakh on a much deeper level can help shed light on the Tanakh narrative as a whole. 

  6. Holy Garments

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman

    Rather than detailing the role and function of the priests in the Mishkan, a topic that briefly surfaces at the very beginning of Parashat Tetzave, the Torah focuses solely on the priests' attire. While outfitting the priests in honorable and beautiful garments is clearly important for the status of the sanctuary and the public perception of the priests, one wonders why the Torah describes the garments in such great detail and at such length. An analysis of the description of the high priest’s clothing allows us to gain a deep understanding into the function of the high priest- as a bridge between God and Israel.  As his garments indicate, he serves to elevate Israel and atone for their sins, to repair and maintain the God-Israel relation.

  7. “That They Not Bear Iniquity and Die”

    Rabbi Gad Eldad

    In Parshat Tetzaveh, the Torah lists the priestly garments. However, it is immediately apparent that the tzitz and the pants are missing from this list. Why the Torah omits these items from the list at the beginning of the parshat and only mentions them later? Through a close analysis of the text, we learn about the dual purpose that the garments serve- the garment itself enhances the glory and majesty of the Kohen Gadol. However, it is the additional details that imbue the garments with their “holy” character. This leads us to an understanding that the pants and tzitz specifically are not priestly garments like the others, but rather are part of the very definition of the Kohen standing before God. The pants represent the pedestal or base of the Kohen’s journey into the sanctified realm, while the tzitz is its crowning glory.

  8. Haftarat Emor: Kohanim and their Attire in and out of the Mikdash

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  9. The High Priest's Holy Clothes

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 38 דקות

    Why does the Torah provide such extensive detail about the priestly garments? This shiur examines the symbolism of the various components of the high priest’s apparel, and explores differences relating to other priests, including the mysterious group at the Revelation at Sinai. What emerges is the purpose of the priests and the task of the High priest to transform his body into a device to atone for the people of Israel.


    In memory of Nissan Ben Miriam Marjum Z"l




  10. The Language of Construction in the Bible – The approach of Meir ben-Uri z"l

    Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun

    In this shiur, we will discuss a number of structural elements of Parashat Tetzaveh and how its content flows from Parashat Teruma, which precedes it. Among other topics, we will discuss the parallels between the priestly garments and the vessels of the Mishkan.