The Encampment of the Tribes

נמצאו 8 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Of Census and Service (Audio)

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman |

    What is the purpose of having a census so soon after the one in Sefer Shemot? This shiur explores possible purposes of the census, looking at biblical instances of census-taking. Ultimately, the census narrative of Bemidbar appears to send a message about unexpected aspects of Divine service.

  2. The Camp and the Chariot (Audio)

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman |

    This shiur explores concepts of sanctity and defilement (tuma'h ve-tahara), and compares their various appearances in the Torah. The placement of the tribal standards (Degalim) around the Mishkan is analyzed, and compared with the “Divine Chariot” vision of Ezekiel, where the keruvim (cherubim) surround the Divine Celestial Throne.

  3. The Camp of Israel

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 35 דקות

    In this introduction to Sefer Bemidbar, which starts with a census, we look at the idea of counting and examine Rashi’s comments here and elsewhere about the census being part of God’s love for Bnei Yisrael. Other commentators further enhance and expand our perspectives on the Divine census and the encampment of Bnei Yisrael in the desert.

  4. Short Thoughts on Shabbat Bahaalotcha - Travelling by the Direction of God

    Rabbi Ezra Bick | 7 דקות

    Our parasha describes Bnei Yisrael preparing to go to the Land of Israel, detailing procedure of encamping and moving with the different tribal positions and trumpets. What does it mean to travel "by the direction of God"?

    Later on in the Parsha, the Torah describes Moshe as “raising” the Leviim as a sacrifice  to consecrate them as Leviim.  What did it mean? Many commentaries look at this act as part of the miraculous atmosphere of the Divine Service in the desert. 

  5. Bamidbar: Rav Amital on the Wilderness and the Israelite Camp

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  6. Massei: Don't Forget the Details

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  7. Where - and what - is Divon Gad?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  8. Three Camps

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky