David and Avshalom

נמצאו 9 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Murder of Amnon

    Chapter 13 (III)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    How did Avshalom manage to trick David? In what ways does the text draw a parallel between Avshalom and Amnon? What was the main effect of this episode on David?

  2. The Woman from Tekoa

    Chapter 14 (I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    The parable of the woman from Tekoa leads David to return Avshalom to Jerusalem. This lesson will examine the rhetorical elements used by the Tekoite woman to reinforce her words, and discuss the vague statement she made after receiving David’s approval. Does the meaning of the parable correlate with the parable?

  3. Avshalom in Jerusalem

    Chapter 14 (II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    The biblical text describes Avshalom’s unique beauty at length. What is the purpose of this lengthiness? Why does this description interrupt the story of Avshalom settling in Jerusalem? How did Avshalom force Yoav to bring him before David? Was his decision wise?

  4. Chushai and Achitofel

    Chapter 16 (II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Hushai ha-Erki was sent to Avshalom in order to prevent Ahitofel’s plan. What means did Hushai use? Why did Ahitofel tell Avshalom to sleep with his father’s mistresses? And why was Hushai silent, instead of negating Ahitofel’s advice?

  5. The Death of Avshalom

    Chapter 18 (I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    David embarks on the final battle against Avshalom full of trepidation about his son’s future. How does the text critique David? How was Avshalom put to death, and why specifically in this way?

  6. The Report About the Death of Avshalom

    Chapter 18 (II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    David waits in anticipation to hear about his son’s fate. The news arrives in an unexpected way. What is the purpose of describing the event in this way?

  7. Tanakh Profiles - David

    Rabbi Jonathan Mishkin

  8. Biblical Allusions to the Story of the Akeida

    Dr. Avigail Rock |

    Stories in Tanakh often allude to other stories by using identifying words or phrases, which is meant to teach the reader a deeper meaning about the story by connecting it to a previous episode. The story of the Akeida is alluded to no fewer than eight different times throughout the Tanakh. What are those stories and what are these references trying to teach us? By closely examining each of the stories we can gain a deeper understanding into the message of the story and learn about showing devotion to God in the correct way. 

  9. Lesson 24: This man David

    Prof. Yehuda Elitzur

    David was a courageous and confident man. He was never at a loss how to get out of an awkward situation, never at his wits ends. In his long and difficult career as a soldier and monarch he neither despaired nor panicked. He always coolly appraised his enemy and acted with speed and determination. However, his battle against his son, Absalom, reveals a new side of David.