
נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Story of Chava

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    This lesson compares the births of Cain and Shet. Cain's birth creates a sense of equality between man and God, which leads to Cain's vanity. Shet's birth in accompanied by an understanding that life and death are in the hands of God; that understanding channels mankind toward more positive pursuits, until the birth of Enosh.

  2. Not Good for Man to be Alone

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. In the Garden

    Rabbi Yaakov Beasley

    To understand properly how Adam and Chava erred and the purpose of narrating this failure for eternity, we cannot begin with the dialogue between the serpent and Chava in Chapter 3. We must also include what occurs in Chapter 2, from the creation of the Garden and the rivers within it, the placing of man in the Garden and his charge, the naming of the animals, and the creation of woman. 

    Chapter 2 plays an important role in understanding the penalties that Hashem metes out to the participants of the sin.  Each punishment reflects the reversal of the idyllic situation that previously existed. In unlocking the meaning of our narrative, we must play close attention to this structure.

  4. Parshat Bereshit Part 2: Day 7 + Creation of Adam (Perek 2)

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 32 דקות

    What is the purpose of the second chapter of Sefer Bereshit? How is it different than the first chapter? Through a textual analysis we can explore these crucial differences, which allow us to understand different human dynamics and difference man-God relationships, and ultimately the goal of man in the world.  

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