Shani Taragin

נמצאו 51 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Yeshayahu & Yerushalayim - Paradise Regained

    Shani Taragin |

    In this class, Mrs. Taragin analyzes the poetic nature of Yeshayahu's prophecies, and draws parallels between his words and those of various texts across Tanach. Yeshayahu tried to urge the people, through his lyrical wording of God's messages, to return to the ideal state of the world, as we see with Adam in Gan Eden.

  2. Listen

    Shani Taragin |

    The root "Shama" - to hear or listen - is a key word in Numbers 30, where the laws of women's vows are detailed. This is one of the units that interrupts the sequence of the Sin of Pe'or and the war against Midian, when Bnei Yisrael take revenge on the Midianites for enticing them to sin. The sin of prohibited relations leads to the destruction of the family unit, whereas listening and hearing one another - the theme emphasized in this chapter - enable a strengthening of the family unit and home. 

  3. The Daughters of Tzelofhad

    Shani Taragin |

    The story of Tzelofhad's daughters introduces five sisters who turn to the patriarchal leadership seeking to preserve the name of their deceased father. Their claim - "why should our father's name be omitted" (למה יגרע שם אבינו) parallels another claim brought in an earlier chapter of BeMidbar. The people who were impure due to contact with the dead approach Moshe with the same terminology - למה נגרע - regarding their inability to offer the Pessah sacrifice due to their impure state. The link between the two stories leads to the conclusion that Tzelofhad's daughters are correct, and their positive initiative is accepted. 

  4. Rehabilitation of the Family Unit

    Shani Taragin |

    God commands Moshe to count the nation, a command which interrupts the sequence between the Sin of Pe'or and the war of retribution against Midian. In addition to the military purpose of the census, and the need of a current count for settling the land, the census at the end of BeMidbar emphasises the family unit. Thousands were killed in the plague following the Sin of Pe'or, where illicit relations brought destruction upon the family unit. The census emphasizes the need to rehabilitate the nation by rebuilding and reinforcing the family unit.

  5. Chagai's Rosh Chodesh Elul Teshuva Derasha

    Shani Taragin | 4 דקות

    In this short shiur, Rabbanit Shani Taragin focuses on the first chapter of Haggai. Haggai tries to urge the returnees to Zion to recognize that God is in their midst and that it is time to rebuild the Beit HaMikdash. On the first day of Elul, Haggai turns to the people to look at their past actions and begin a process of transformation. He tells them that they can still change their fate for the coming year.

  6. Chagai on Hoshana Rabba and Chanukah

    Shani Taragin | 4 דקות

    In the second chapter of Haggai, Rabbanit Shani Taragin notes how Haggai speaks on days that are significant to us today for different reasons. On the 21st of Tishrei- Hoshana Rabba – Haggai further encourages people to continue building, saying that  God will make this Mikdash great- and provide much – needed rain. Haggai turns to the Kohanim, quizzing the delegated teachers about purity and impurity. The book of Haggai concludes on the 24th of Kislev with a call for a political turnover in addition to the glorification of the Mikdash. Though Zerubavel does not not heed his call, the prophecy continues to reverberate in later generations.

  7. Names in the Fields of Bethlehem

    Shani Taragin | 3 דקות

    Rabbanit Shani Taragin focuses on a contrast in the second chapter of Ruth. Boaz is introduced by name, and reflected in his name isthat there is strength in him: perhaps not military strength, but valor, which we see in the kindness he demonstrates to Ruth. On the other hand, the naar who attends the gatherers is not kind to Ruth in his description of a strange selfish woman. Ruth notices that Boaz is different. Those who recognize others deserve a name, but those who don’t have their names omitted in the Book of Ruth.

  8. The Dividing Line Between the Prophet of Shaul and the Prophets of David

    Shani Taragin | 5 דקות

    We open Chapter 17, which tells the famous story of David and Goliat. But why is it that neither King Shaul nor his army general, Avner, know who David is? He was serving Shaul in the previous chapter!

    Some suggest that these chapters depict the story of the rise David, and that chronology is not the top priority in terms of the sequencing of these stories. 

  9. Amalek and the Keini

    Shani Taragin | 5 דקות

    Chapter 15 of Shmuel Alef relates the tragic failure of Shaul to complete the war against Amalek. The text emphasizes that he does not listen to God. But interestingly enough, he seems to begin to fulfill God’s command by telling the Keinites to separate from Amalek so they will be spared. There is precedent for this, apparently, in the book of Shemot, with the stories of Amalek’s attack and Yitro’s visit. This story will have repercussions for other stories in Tanakh.

  10. Sticks, Stones, & Sour Figs: Misinterpreting Messages of Nevuah

    Shani Taragin |

    What is the unique nature of Yirmiyahu's mission? By focusing on the first perek detailing Yirmiyahu’s inauguration, we can explore Yirmiyahu’s prophetic purpose at a deeper level. God asks Yirmiyahu three times over the course of the book - "what do you see", and through an analysis of the text we can infer that this as a test to see whether he grasps the full meaning of his prophetic mission. This leads us to grapple with the concept of true and false prophecies in general, and the messages we are meant to learn from these prophecies for the future.

  11. Tablets, Temples, and Tefilot

    Shani Taragin | 55 דקות

    Two of the tragedies that befell Am Yisrael on 17 Tammuz are the breaking of the first set of luchot by Moshe following the Sin of the Golden Calf, and the beginning of the destruction of the first Beit Hamikdash. By placing the mourning for the luchot and the Beit Hamikdash on the same day, Chazal are pointing out important parallels between them, in order to understand the tragedy of the day. By exploring the differences between the first and second luchot and appreciating the relationship between them, we can better understand the differences between the first and second Beit Hamikdash, and learn about the partnership between God and Am Yisrael as we learn from the past and look towards the future. 

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  12. Ezra & Nehemia Celebrate Jerusalem's Jubilee

    Tanach Study

    Shani Taragin | שעה ו- 12 דקות

    Through an exploration Sefer Nehemia—textual analysis as well as its context and chronological setting, we can understand the challenges of the time and the religious message it carries with it through Shivat Tzion and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. 

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  13. Mishlei Perek 1

    Tanach Study

    Shani Taragin | 20 דקות

    This podcast serves as an introduction to Sefer Mishlei, presenting its structure and authors, and describes the methodology for learning the sefer.

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  14. Mishlei Perek 1 (Continued)

    Tanach Study

    Shani Taragin | 15 דקות

    In the first perek of Mishlei the father turns directly to the son and emphasizes the importance of following his parents’ guidance and Torah.

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  15. Mishlei Perek 2

    Tanach Study

    Shani Taragin | 18 דקות

    Perek 2 continues the same theme of a parent speaking to a child and explaining the advantages of ethical behaviour and a moral lifestyle, but adds an additional incentive for staying on the correct path.

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  16. Mishlei Perek 3

    Tanach Study

    Shani Taragin | 19 דקות

    Perek 3 continues with the parental messages of morality and ethical behavior to the child, with a focus on the constant cognizance of God as a way of keeping on the right path.

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  17. Mishlei Perek 4

    Tanach Study

    Shani Taragin | 18 דקות

    After a collection of epithets from the previous perakim, perek 4 is a continuation of the advice and wisdom from the father to the son.  

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  18. Mishlei Perek 5

    Tanach Study

    Shani Taragin | 22 דקות

    Perek 5 continues the father’s speech to his son. Throughout this podcast we learn about the development of a mashal, and point out a number of parallels to the other writings of Shlomo Hamelech.

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  19. Parshat Vayikra Part 1: Introduction to Sefer Vayikra

    Shani Taragin | 25 דקות

    This podcast presents an introduction to Sefer Vayikra, allowing us to appreciate this sefer based on both its unique content as well as its context and juxtaposition to the previous sefarim. An analysis of the verses in both Vayikra and Shemot allow us to understand the role of Sefer Vayikra as a model of the relationship between the people and God through the Mishkan, and learning to live in the presence of God both within and outside of the Mishkan. We also discuss the differences in the order of korbanot listing between parshiot Vayikra and Tzav, and what may account for those discrepancies.

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  20. Parshat Vayikra Part 2: The Voluntary Offerings: Olah

    Shani Taragin | 31 דקות

    This podcast discusses the structure of Sefer Vayikra and the meaning behind the sacrifices - bridging the gap between man and God and turning the physical into spiritual.

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  21. Parshat Vayikra Part 3: Korban Mincha

    Shani Taragin | 27 דקות

    This podcast continues with the discussion of voluntary sacrifices and specifically the Korban Mincha. Why is the Mincha, which is a grain offering, listed between the Olah and the Shelamim, both animal sacrifices? Through an exploration of the text we try to answer this question, as well as noting the symbolism of matza, chametz, and honey.

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  22. Parshat Vayikra Part 4: Korban Shelamim & Summary of Nedava Offerings

    Shani Taragin | 26 דקות

    This podcast discusses the Shlamim sacrifice, and describes the logic behind the structure of the voluntary sacrifices and the reasons why someone would choose to bring such a sacrifice.

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  23. Parshat Vayikra Part 5: Korbanot Hatat

    Shani Taragin | 29 דקות

    This podcast discusses the obligatory offerings required for the transgressions of various unintentional sins.

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  24. Parshat Vayikra Part 6: Korbanot Asham

    Shani Taragin | 25 דקות

    This podcast discusses the obligatory offering of the Asham, focusing on its nature of atonement in an attempt to regain closeness with God.

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  25. Parshat Tzav Part 1: "Command Aharon"- Torat HaOlah: Ashes and Fire & Laws of Minha

    Shani Taragin | 29 דקות

    These verses begin Parshat Tzav with the commandments to Aharon and his sons regarding the Terumat Hadeshen (removal of the ashes from the altar) and the daily Tamid sacrifices. This podcast discusses the relationship between this Parsha and the one preceding it, Vayikra.  

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  26. Parshat Tzav Part 2: Minhat Hinuch & Havitin for the Kohanim

    Shani Taragin | 25 דקות

    This podcast discusses the contradictions in Chapter 6 verses 12-16 regarding the Minchat Chinuch and the Minchat Tamid brought by the Kohanim and the Kohen Gadol. Who is the one actually responsible for bringing these sacrifices? What is the nature of these sacrifices and what are their goals? An exploration of the text and commentaries reveals a new in-depth understanding of these sacrifices.  

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  27. Parshat Tzav Part 3: Torat Hachatat, Asham And Shelamim

    Shani Taragin | 28 דקות

    This section deals once again with the laws of offerings. However, this time the focus is on the details pertaining specifically to the Kohanim who sacrifice the korban, in contrast with Parshat Vayikra where the focus was on the individual bringing the sacrifice.

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  28. Parshat Tzav Part 4: Korban Shelamim & The Message of Gratitude

    Shani Taragin | 25 דקות

    This podcast focuses on the Shelamim and Todah sacrifices, and the message we can learn from them about the two different methods of measuring time.

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  29. Parshat Tzav Part 5: Laws of Shelamim & Miluim - Instruction to Bnei Yisrael

    Shani Taragin | 30 דקות

    This section of verses describes the prohibition of eating the fat and blood of an animal which is eligible to be used as a sacrifice. This podcast also discusses the conclusion to the sacrifices portion of the parsha and offers a resolution for a potential problem within this section.

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  30. Parshat Tzav Part 6: Seven Days of Miluim - Why Here?

    Shani Taragin | 31 דקות

    This podcast concludes Parshat Tzav with a summary of both parashot Tzav and Vayikra. These verses also describe the dedication of the Mishkan, which seems out of place, and the podcast presents an explanation of both the content and context of this narrative.

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  31. Parshat Shemini Part 1: Yom haShemini - Climax & Commencement

    Shani Taragin | 26 דקות

    Why are the seven days of miluim necessary? What do they represent? This podcast begins Parshat Shemini by addressing these questions, and exploring the significance of the Yom Hashemini.

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  32. Parshat Shemini Part 2: Nadav and Avihu in the Line Of Fire

    Shani Taragin | 30 דקות

    This podcast continues the discussion of the Yom Hashmini, the eighth day of the dedication of the Mishkan, and discuss its power in atoning for the sin of the golden calf. We also learn about the tragic deaths of Nadav and Avihu and explore various suggestions among the commentators as to the nature of their sin.

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  33. Parshat Shemini Part 3: Commandments & Closeness

    Shani Taragin | 27 דקות

    This podcast discusses the aftermath of Nadav and Avihu’s deaths and the description of the rules for proper priestly conduct. We learn about the three different types of holiness- place, person, and time, and analyze the structure of the book on Vayikra, which teaches us the proper way of serving God.  

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  34. Parshat Shemini Part 4: To Eat Or Not To Eat

    Shani Taragin | 23 דקות

    This podcast discusses the aftermath of the deaths of Nadav and Avihu, and details the laws pertaining to the sacrifices following their deaths.

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  35. Parshat Shemini Part 5: Dietary Laws & Defilement

    Shani Taragin | 30 דקות

    This podcast discusses the animals that may or may not be eaten. Through a close examination of the structure of the section we can gain a deeper understanding of purity and holiness in our relationship with God.  

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  36. Parshat Shemini Part 6: Summary And Some Philosophy

    Shani Taragin | 21 דקות

    This podcast discusses the textual, structural and philosophical points pertaining to the laws addressed to Am Yisrael regarding purity and impurity, both in Parshat Shemini and in the upcoming Parashot as well.

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  37. Parshat Tazria Part 1: Impurity Caused by Childbirth

    Shani Taragin | 28 דקות

    This podcast begins Parshat Tazria with a discussion of tuma and tahara (purity and impurity) and an attempt to define these ambiguous terms. We also learn about the laws of a woman’s impurity and process of purification following childbirth.

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  38. Parshat Tazria Part 2: Different Forms Of Tzara'at Part 1

    Shani Taragin | 10 דקות

    This podcast continues Parshat Tazria with the first part of the description of the laws of Tzaraat (leprosy).

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  39. Parshat Tazria Part 3: Different Forms Of Tzara'at Part 2

    Shani Taragin | 12 דקות

    This podcast continues Parshat Tazria with a description of the various forms of tzaraat and the ways in which they are identified by the Kohen.

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  40. Parshat Tazria Part 4: Isolation and Insight

    Shani Taragin | 23 דקות

    What is the nature of tzaraat? Why does this impurity necessitate confinement and isolation outside of the camp? This podcast examines classical commentaries and analyzes the text and the context of the verses in order to extrapolate the lessons that the laws of tzaraat teach us.

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  41. Parshat Tazria Part 5: Leprosy on Clothing: The Clothing Makes the Man or The Man Makes the Clothing?

    Shani Taragin | 17 דקות

    This podcast concludes the final section of Parshat Tazria, with a discussion of the affliction of tzaraat on clothing, further proof of its supernatural properties as opposed to merely a physical malady.  The placement of this section within its context reflects the inextricable link between the tzaraat of a person and tzaraat of clothing.

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  42. Parshat Tazria Part 6: Summary: Feeling the Distance

    Shani Taragin | 19 דקות

    This podcast summarizes Parshat Tazria by examining the broader context of tzaraat, and specifically the tzaraat contracted by Miriam in Sefer Bamidbar, in order to gain a deeper understanding as to the nature of this affliction.

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  43. Parshat Metzora Part 1: Process Of Purification

    Shani Taragin | 31 דקות

    This podcast begins Parshat Metzora with the process of purification from tzaraat, and then introduces a new form of tzaraat- that of the house. We discuss the structure of these two parshiot and the deeper meaning behind the affliction.

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  44. Parshat Metzora Part 2: Tzara'at HaBayit - Home Maintenance In Eretz Yisrael

    Shani Taragin | 22 דקות

    This podcast allows us to appreciate the unique status of tzaraat on a house through an examination of the purification process. We also notice the relationship between this form of tzaraat with the land of Israel.  

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  45. Parshat Metzora Part 3: Pesach & Purification Of the House

    Shani Taragin | 26 דקות

    This podcast concludes the laws of tzaraat with the process of the purification from tzaraat of the house. We notice that this process is closely related to the process of purification from a tzaraat on a person, and discuss the general structure of the laws of tzaraat throughout parshiot Tazria- Metzora.

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  46. Parshat Metzora Part 4: Unnatural And Natural Male Emissions

    Shani Taragin | 21 דקות

    This podcast deals with the first part of the various physiological emissions that render a person impure.

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  47. Parshat Metzora Part 5: Unnatural And Natural Female Emissions

    Shani Taragin | 14 דקות

    This podcast continues with the physiological emissions that render a person impure.

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  48. Parshat Metzora Part 6: Chiastic Conclusion

    Shani Taragin | 10 דקות

    This podcast discusses the final three verses of Parshat Metzora which serve as a transition into Parshat Achrei Mot.

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  49. Parshat Behar Part 1: Shemitah & Shabbat

    Shani Taragin | 33 דקות

    This podcast relates to the beginning of Parshat Behar, discussing the connection between Har Sinai, Shmitta, Yovel, and Shabbat, and their significance in our relationship with God.

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  50. Rachel: Mother at the Crossroads

    Shani Taragin | שעה

    This shiur explores the development of the character of Rachel, by analyzing the birth narrative of Yaakov’s children, and her challenges with infertility. Through Rachel’s journey to the appreciation of God’s role in the world, we can understand why she remains at the crossroads and the eternal message she represents for all generations.

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  51. Jerusalem of Gold

    Shani Taragin | שעה

    What is the meaning of Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold) and what does it represent? Where does the depiction come from? Through an analysis of the phrase from the time of King David until Rabbi Akiva, we can gain an appreciation of what Yerushalayim means and its importance to our lives.

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