reasons for a census

Found 4 Search results

  1. The Camp of Israel

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 35 minutes

    In this introduction to Sefer Bemidbar, which starts with a census, we look at the idea of counting and examine Rashi’s comments here and elsewhere about the census being part of God’s love for Bnei Yisrael. Other commentators further enhance and expand our perspectives on the Divine census and the encampment of Bnei Yisrael in the desert.

  2. The Half-Shekel

    Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

    Parshat Ki-Tisa opens with the subject of the half-shekel. What are Bnei Yisrael being commanded to do here? What is the purpose of giving a half-shekel? Clearly, the issue of counting is central to this unit. But is there actually a command to hold a census? Through an analysis of the various reasons for conducting a census, we can understand that it must be conducted along with an offering to God, reminding us that it is God Who made us numerous, Who gave us the power to succeed. In Parshat Ki-Tisa, among all the commands concerning the building of the Mishkan, God commands us to number the people by means of giving an offering to God, in order to remind us – specifically during the census – the place of the Divine Presence amongst Israel, the dependence upon God, the need to turn to Him.

  3. Parashat Pinhas and the Primacy of Counting in the Book of Bemidbar

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | 34 minutes

    At the beginning of Parashat Pinhas is the second Divine command to count Bnei Yisrael (the first at beginning of Bemidbar).)  This event has far more importance than just counting the people. It becomes the name for the book: the Sages' name for the book of Bemidbar  is"The Book of Counting" - the Sages – see it as the essence of the book.

    We examin various suggested reasons for God's command to count Bnei Yisrael, and we note that the second counting has a major difference in the reasons for counting from that of the first census: we find military vs. inheritance to explain the disparities.


  4. Parshat Bemidbar Part 1: Introduction to Sefer Bemidbar

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 25 minutes

    This podcast introduces Sefer Bemidbar by noting its content, structure and context. We also highlight the differences between Bemidbar and Vayikra, and discusses the order of the tribes, the dates in the book, and the goal of a census.


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