
Found 6 Search results

  1. Ruth's Kindness as a Model for Monarchy

    Dr. Yael Ziegler |

    The extreme kindness demonstrated by Ruth is almost self-effacing, and cannot be used as a model emulated by regular people. What, then, is the purpose of this book?

    Ruth is the matriarch of the dynasty of David. The nature of monarchy can lead to the king's misuse of his power to promote his own interests, at the expense of the nation. Extreme kindness, chessed, and concern for others, can protect the king from corruption. Ruth presents a model that can defend a king from his own strength, and ensure that the king channels his powers for the good of the nation.




  2. The Rebirth of Hope

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    Naomi's surprise at Ruth's success in bringing home food from gleaning leads to suspicion in Ruth's behavior. Ruth's revelation that Boaz was responsible for her success gives new hope to Naomi. Ruth and Boaz are paralleled as two characters that embody selfless kindness to others.

  3. Actions and Rewards

    A Harmonious Story, Part II

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    Ruth’s decision to accompany Naomi to Bethlehem does not produce the expected negative results. Ruth's determined kindness devotion to Naomi ultimately lead her to receive kind treatment from Boaz. The tragedy at the outset is resolved and the harmonious nature of the book paves way for the Monarchy of King David.

  4. Lot's Separation from Abraham and Ruth's Return

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    תאריך פרסום: תשסט | |

    The book of Shoftim ends on a dark and ominous note, describing an immoral and corrupt society that deserves destruction. Through the midrashic depictions of both Ruth and Orpah in Megillat Ruth, and comparison to the characters of Avraham and Lot in Genesis 13, Dr. Yael Ziegler explains that Ruth is the person who ultimately saves the Jewish nation from their corruption, single-handedly leading them into a better era. Using classical commentaries, Ziegler describes the path of morality and kindness depicted by Avraham, as opposed to Lot's cruel and immoral path.   Ruth makes a conscious decision to return the nation from Lot's path, down which they had strayed throughout the book of Shoftim, back to Avraham's path of righteousness, thereby instilling modesty and kindness back into Am Yisrael. 

  5. Echoes: The Secret of Sefer Ezra- Nechamiah

    Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky |

    The books of Ezra and Nehemiah contain specific similarities to events in other parts of the Tanakh. By closely comparing the various texts we can gain a greater understanding as to the depth and real meaning of the messages in Ezra and Nehemiah. 

  6. The Book of Ruth - Structure and Meaning

    Atara Snowbell | 4 minutes

    How can we understand the structure and progression of Megillat Ruth? An analysis of the text highlights the central theme of kindness, which leads the book from a grim beginning to the promise of a better future- on a personal, familial level  and on a national one as well. This tutorial demonstrates interactive use of for the study of Tanakh.