The Incense Test

Found 3 Search results

  1. The Significance of the Incense

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    This article analyzes the various appearances of the incense; apparently the incense signifies God's presence as a result of the sacrificial offerings. Why then did Nadav and Avihu die while offering incense? Why was the incense chosen to test kedusha and God's choice?

  2. Two Complaints of the Nation, and the Re-Appointment of Aharon (audio)

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman | 13 minutes

    Bnei Yisrael are not afraid to accuse Moshe and Aharon of putting 250 men to death after the test involving the “fire pans and incense” test. Why do Bnei Yisrael fear approaching the holy precinct only after the second test - one with no deaths at all, the one with the flowering of Aaron’s staff?

  3. Complaints after the Ketoret Test

    Rabbi David Silverberg