
Found 3 Search results

  1. The First War against Pelishtim (I)

    Chapter 13-14 (Part I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    "Saul reigned one year; and when he had reigned two years over Israel," - What is the meaning of this verse? This lesson will discuss the revolt against the Philistines, led by Shaul and Jonathan, and explain the lessons derived from this battle, which is without precedent with regard to the gap between the fighting forces.

  2. The Storm (Part 3)

    Eliyahu's Journey to His Place of Ascent (I)

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    Gilgal mentioned in this story does not seem to correspond with other places with the same name mentioned in the Tanakh. It appears to be North of Beit El. In the Elisha stories we find that Elisha is a travelling prophet like Shmuel, however, Gilgal is his permanent dwelling. Eliyahu arrives in Gilgal in order to depart from his student.

  3. The Pernicious Cycle of the Book of Shoftim

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    The messenger sent from Gilgal to the nation in Bokhim with tidings of defeat and setback is contrasted with the angel who appeared to Yehoshua carring a sword of fire with tidings of conquest. The 5 part cycle of the Book of Shoftim described in the 2nd chapter is the result of the failure of the people to drive out the indigenous Canaanites described in the 1st chapter. The worship of Ba'al and Ashtoret - central to Caananites - frequently included less than savory rituals. The Judge in the book of Shoftim is typically a combination of an inspired leader, military strategist, and religious figure, who is, however, defined primarily by his accomplishments on the battlefield.