Crossing the Jordan

Found 12 Search results

  1. Chapter 3: Crossing the Yarden with the Ark of the Covenant

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    This lesson discusses the crossing of the Jordan River in Yehoshua chapter 3. The Ark of the Covenant plays an important role in this event. We will consider the special significance of the Ark, ancient Israel's most precious artifact.

  2. Crossing the Yarden - The Theme of Passage

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    This lesson compares the crossing of the Yarden with its most obvious parallel, the crossing of Yam Suf. In both incidents the crossing is not merely physical but existential - crossing into freedom leaving the slave masters of Egypt behind for good and forty years later crossing out of the nomadic lives of the wilderness into the settled life of Eretz Yisrael. Similarly, Avraham and Yaakov cross waters marking significant changes in their lives. While many similarities exist between the crossing of Yam Suf and the Yarden, the many differences between the two episodes highlight the stage of development the nation is in during each episode.  

  3. Revisiting the Yarden Crossing

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    In direct contrast to the convention of the wilderness, in which the Pillar of Cloud and Ark always precede the people to their destination, here the Pillar of Cloud has in fact disappeared completely and the Ark remained temporarily behind, to indicate to the people that settling Canaan will require a higher level of involvement on their part. They have not been guided to the banks of the Jordan only to maintain the helpless object status that characterized them at Yam Suf. Here, they must complete the process of their liberation by demonstrating direction, resolve, and enterprise. Therefore, they must pass before the Ark. 

  4. Chapter 4 Conclusion: The Memorial of the Twelve Stones

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    Yehoshua removes twelve stones from the waters of the Yarden to be carried by the people, as God had commanded - but places twelve OTHER stones in their place. What is the purpose of Yehoshua’s additional act? We will attempt to explain the significance of the stones through a comparison to the story of Eliyahu on Mt. Carmel.

  5. The Storm (Part 4)

    Eliyahu's Journey to His Place of Ascent (II)

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    Eliyahu is commanded to pass through Beit El and Yeriho in order to part from the Bnei Ha’Nevi’im. The reader, Elisha and the Bnei Ha’Nevi’im know that Eliyahu is departing today but it is spoken as a secret. Eliyahu's journey is the inverse of the journey of conquest of the land in the days of Yehoshua. In the same place where Bnei Yisrael readied themselves for the conquest of the land, on the plains of Yeriho – right there Eliyahu departs from Am Yisrael and from Eretz Yisrael.

  6. In a Whirlwind

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    Eliyahu's dramatic ascent to the heavens highlights Elisha as opposed to the other Bnei Ha'Nevi'im. Elisha is also Eliyahu's succesor, but also operates in a completely different manner. Elisha, is always surrounded by other people and is deeply sensitive to the needs of others. Eliyahu is a lone spiritual figure. 

  7. Healing, Death and Immortality

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    Elisha heals the water of Jericho after crossing the Jordan, reminscent of the healing of the waters of Mara after the splitting of the Red Sea. Elisha's first act - healing the water - sharply contrasts Eliyahu's first act of decreeing a draught. Elisha's harsh reaction to the youth who taunted him reflects the message that was said to Elisha regarding his master Eliyahu. The question of Eliyahu's immortatlity is evaluated within the corpus of Tanakh and in the sources of the Sages.  

  8. Authorship of the Books of the Prophets and Writings

    Part 3

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Internal contradictions within the appointment of Shaul as king and the crossing of the Jordan in the time of Yehoshua are examined.  Bible critics over the generations have raised suggestions as to how the various verses represent different sources, without any such division successfully solving the issue. Here, too, it seems that the aspects approach may be utilized to show how the text endeavors, by means of overlapping descriptions, to convey the different aspects of the story.

    These examples demonstrate that the "aspects approach" represents an effective and practical way of understanding textual difficulties in the Books of the Prophets, just as it is in explaining similar difficulties that arise in the Torah itself.

  9. Yehoshua Perek 3

    Jesse Salem | 17 minutes

    This lecture provides an overview of Yehoshua Perek 3, describing Yehoshua’s preparation to cross into Israel and the famous miracle of the splitting of the Jordan river. 


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  10. Yehoshua Perek 4

    Jesse Salem | 23 minutes

    Yehoshua Perek 4 describes the end of the crossing of the Jordan river and the first monument that bnei yisrael built in Eretz Yisrael. 


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  11. Yehoshua 3-4

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    These perakim describe two formative events in the history of the Jewish People: the crossing of the Jordan and the entrance into the Land of Israel. In various ways, the language of the text and the events themselves echo the splitting of the Red Sea, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Revelation at Sinai. We will explore the broader context of the crossing of the Jordan, and its meaning for both the generation currently entering the Land and for future generations as well.  

  12. Sefer Yehoshua: Archaeology

    Nachliel Selavan | 32 minutes

    Sefer Yehoshua ends the wandering in the wilderness, and begins the chapter of Am Yisrael in Eres Yisrael. Here we begin the conquest of the land, and the inheritance into its tribal divisions.

    In this episode, we attempt to discuss the chronology of Sefer Yehoshua, as well as address some highlights such as the crossing of the Jordan, the walls of Yericho, and the Mishkan in Shiloh.


    Archaeology Snapshot is a discussion on the location, timeline, main characters and highlights from history and archaeology, for each Sefer in Tanach.