The borders of the tribes

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  1. Chapter 18 Conclusion and Chapter 19: The Tribal Territories

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    This lesson will discuss the delineation and distribution of the remaining tribal boundaries. Yehuda and Yosef, the two largest and most powerful tribes, received their allotment first, thus anchoring the nascent state to the south and to the north. The next tribe to merit the attention of the text is the tribe of Binyamin, whose portion of land falls in between that of Yosef and Yehuda. Chapter 19 outlines the borders of Shimon, Zevulun, Yissachar, Asher, Naftali, and Dan.

  2. Yehoshua Perek 15

    Jesse Salem | 31 minutes

    Yehoshua Perek 15 presents a description of the borders of the tribe of Yehuda, Kalev’s property that he received from Yehoshua, and a list of all of Yehuda’s cities. 


    Courtesy of

  3. Yehoshua Perek 16

    Jesse Salem | 7 minutes

    Yehoshua Perek 16 describes the territory division of the tribe of Ephraim. 


    Courtesy of

  4. Mattot - Masei: Are Tribal Divisions a Good thing?

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 15 minutes

    In last week’s parsha (Pinhas), the Daughters of Tzelofhad ask for a land portion in order to contine their father’s name. This week, their kinsmen come, and express their concern and desire to ensure that their tribal lands  stay within the tribe. The solution offered is that the daughters of Tzelofhad are to marry within their tribe. But this raises difficulties: what if they were married? Was this merely a temporary provision, before the actual land distribution? What would be so terrible about land moving from tribe to tribe? Is the notion of the tribe too particularist to map on to concepts we know today?

  5. Yehoshua 13-14

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    With the completion of the first wave of the conquest, Yehoshua’s concerns turn to the apportioning of the Land- particularly with the inheritance of the two and a half tribes east of the Jordan river, the fulfillment of his promises to Calev, and the ongoing settlement in the countryside. These perakim close the cycles of the past and open a new section in the book of Yehoshua. 

  6. Yehoshua 17-18

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    In these perakim, Yehoshua continues to apportion the remaining land. Facing him are the claims of B’nei Yosef and the need to rebuke the tribes for faltering in their individual conquests. 

  7. Yehoshua 19-20

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Having completed the division of the Land amongst the tribes, Yehoshua now begins to fulfill another commandment given to him by Moshe: dedicating the cities of refuge.  

  8. Yehoshua 21-22

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    At the conclusion of the apportioning of Eretz Yisrael, the “atypical” tribes receive permission to settle in their individual territories. The tribe of Levi, whose cities are located in the territories of other tribes, are sent to their allotments. The two and a half tribes are also dispatched to their chosen territory east of the Jordan River after having fulfilled their obligation to complete the general conquest with the rest of the tribes.