Boaz and Ruth
Found 9 Search results
Megillat Ruth and the Book of Shoftim: Part I
Dr. Yael ZieglerThe story of Ruth takes place during the Era of Judges. The Book of Judges describes a lack of leadership which leads to spiritual, moral, and social deterioration. The Book of Ruth presents Boaz as a worthy leader from the Tribe of Judah - foreshadowing the appropriate dynasty for monarchy as a solution to the problems presented in the Book of Judges.
Introducing the Hero: Who is Boaz Part II
Dr. Yael ZieglerBoaz’s first words in the book are “Hashem imachem” – “God be with you.” This introduction describes Boaz’s deep religious conviction. Why does Boaz arrive in the field in the first place? Perhaps the purpose of his visit is to examine whether his workers are maintaining Torah laws in the field? His treatment of Ruth is surprising – Boaz is the first to acknowledge her presence, while the people of Bethlehem and the reapers ignore her. Boaz’s behavior is a symbolic correction of prevalent behavior in the era of Judges.
Names in the Fields of Bethlehem
Shani Taragin | 3 minutesRabbanit Shani Taragin focuses on a contrast in the second chapter of Ruth. Boaz is introduced by name, and reflected in his name isthat there is strength in him: perhaps not military strength, but valor, which we see in the kindness he demonstrates to Ruth. On the other hand, the naar who attends the gatherers is not kind to Ruth in his description of a strange selfish woman. Ruth notices that Boaz is different. Those who recognize others deserve a name, but those who don’t have their names omitted in the Book of Ruth.
The Drama of Ruth
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtensteinתאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | Hour and 7 minutes
The Book of Ruth opens with a situation of dire straits: Boaz leaves the Land because of despair, and Naomi cannot rebuild when she returns. The actions and interactions of Ruth and Boaz, however, serve as a model of true soulmates who embody the deepest, highest level of chessed (kindness). These relationships transcend merely helping an older lady or a poor maiden.
As we examine these relationships, parallels from Iyov, the mitzva of Yibum and the story of Yehuda and Tamar further highlight the significance of the personalities in Ruth.
Ruth: Paragon of Modesty?
Rabbi Moshe Shulmanתאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | |
Who or what is Ruth the Moabite? In this shiur, we examine the relationship between Boaz and Ruth. We look at two conflicting midrashic portrayals of Ruth, explore the deeper meaning, and analyze and challenge the midrash based on the pshat. Is her behavior that of cleverness, or of modesty? How does the “naar” or the foreman in the field of Boaz see Ruth? As we gain deeper insight to the mitzva of leket (gleaning), we discover another dimension of the difficulties Ruth faced as a stranger.
Who is the Hero of Megillat Ruth?
Dr. Tamar Werdiger | Hour and 15 minutesWho is the hero of Megillat Ruth? Through a close reading of the megillah, we notice that many of the characters qualify as the central figure of the story. This lecture analyzes the characters and illustrates the various ways of determining the protagonist in different types of literary compositions through a series of textual indicators. We then apply these criteria to Megillat Ruth in an attempt to understand who the hero of the megillah is.
The Night at the Threshing Floor: Uncovering the Motives of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz
Dr. Mordechai SabatoThe unique quality of Megillat Ruth stems from the fact that the problem arising from Ruth's remarkable loyalty to Naomi was overcome by Boaz's extraordinary strength. Boaz understood that he must not allow Ruth's kindness towards Naomi to fade into the dark of night at the threshing floor. In a rare demonstration of profound understanding of the soul of another, Boaz recognized the purity of Ruth's motives, and thus blessed her, rather than cursing her.
Why did Naomi send Ruth to the threshing floor in a way that could negatively reflect on Ruth, herself, and Boaz? What were Naomi's motives and objectives, and does the Tanakh approve of Naomi's plan? We compare Megillat Ruth's challenges and tests of character with other stories in Tanakh to appreciate the pivotal moment of the Megilla.
Translated by David Silverberg
Three Forms of Redemption in Megillat Ruth
Dr. Yael ZieglerIn the fateful nighttime encounter on the threshing floor, Boaz is startled to find someone lying at his feet:
And he said, “Who are you?” And she replied, “I am Ruth, your maidservant. Spread your wings (khenafekha) over your maidservant, for you are a redeemer.” And [Boaz] said, “…And now, even though truly I am a go’el, there is a go’el who is closer than I. Lie here tonight and in the morning, if the redeemer shall redeem you, good, but if he shall not desire to redeem you, I myself shall redeem you, I swear by God. Lie until the morning.” (Ruth 3:9-13)
What is the meaning of Ruth’s request that Boaz spread his wings over her, and her statement that Boaz is a redeemer? Targum, Rashi, Ibn Ezra, and Ramban assume that Ruth’s request for Boaz to spread his kanaf over her is a request for marriage.
Nevertheless, it is less clear what Ruth means when she states plainly, “For you are the go’el.” In what way does this relate to Ruth’s previous request? Is it also a bid for marriage, which Ruth terms her redemption, or does this refer to Boaz’s ostensible duty to buy Naomi’s property?
Ruth and Boaz: Models of Commitment
Rabbi David Silverberg