Aharon's leadership

Found 10 Search results

  1. What Does Aaron Teach Us About Loss?

    Rabbi David Fohrman |

    After the sudden death of Nadav and Avihu, Aaron's two sons, Moses argues with Aaron's remaining sons regarding a sacrifice they have brought. What is the argument fundamentally about, and what does the episode teach us about overcoming loss?

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  2. What's More Important than God?

    Avidan Freedman

  3. The "Waters of Contention"

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    Why didn't Moshe and Aharon merit to bring Am Yisrael into the land of Israel? This article attempts to answer this question by examining the contrast between the nation who left Egypt and journeyed through the desert, and the new generation ready to enter the land of Israel. Were Moshe and Aharon suitable to lead the new generation? 

  4. Benei Yisrael: The New Generation [audio]

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | 14 minutes

    What is the meaning of Moshe and Aharon's silent reaction to the nation's complaint at Mei Meriva, and what does this tell us about the nation's evolving relationship with God at the time?

  5. Aharon - Tanakh Profiles

    Rabbi Jonathan Mishkin

  6. Aharon

    HaTanakh.com Staff

  7. Aharon's Part in the Sin of the Golden Calf – From the Torah to Chazal

    Dr. Brachi Elitzur

    The discussion in rabbinical literature of Aharon's role in the sin of the golden calf, familiar to us from Rashi's commentary, is characterized by a defense of Aharon's motives and a focus on the sophistication of his strategy. The forgiving approach characterizing most of Chazal's teachings from Eretz Yisrael (as opposed to those in Bavel) concerning Aharon's role is an exception to the ambivalent evaluation suggested by the teachings surrounding the sins of other important figures. In this article we will try to trace the attitude towards Aharon's sin in the matter of the golden calf from the Chumash through the post-biblical literature, and try to understand the reasons for the development of this across-the-board defense and justification of Aharon in the period of the Mishna and the Talmud.

  8. The Yahrzeit and Character of Aharon HaKohen

    Rabbi Binyamin Tabory | 16 minutes

    In this shiur, we focus on the character of Aharon in the Chumash and in the midrash. We begin by taking a look at the Torah's first presentation of Aharon, a man who rejoices for his brother even though it meant that he himself would play second fiddle. We learn about Moshe as well, as we continue to analyze contrast between Moshe and Aharon, who exemplify different -and sometimes- opposing values: Moshe represents absolute truth, and Aharon represents peace and hessed (lovingkindness). Their interaction exemplifies the verse in Tehillim (Psalms 85:11) about these different values embracing.

  9. Tazria-Metzora: Joy in Children

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  10. Mei Meriva

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    What was the sin that led to Moshe and Aharon's exclusion from entering the land? Apparently their leadership failure was apparent in the Sin of the Spies, but they were given another chance to prove they were the appropriate leaders to bring the nation to the Promised Land. The second chance presented itself in the story of the Waters of Meriva, but their second failure sealed their sentence.