Dr. Brachi Elitzur
Midrashei Chazal offer many instances of judgmental evaluations of biblical characters that are different – sometimes even quite contrary – to the...
Prof. Yoel Elitzur
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Where is Ai located? Bethel is mentioned numerous times on its own throughout Tanakh, but Ai is only once mentioned alone, without connection to Bethel....
Rabbi Yaakov Medan
After the flood, Noach is given permission to eat meat. Does this represent a step forward or a step back in human spiritual evolution? How do the new...
Rabbi Shimon Klein
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God regrets having created man in the world; He is grieved, and He decides to wipe out all living things from upon the face of the earth. To the reader...
Dr. Brachi Elitzur
A major part of Parashat Noach is devoted to a description of the construction of the ark, its size and structure, the materials used to build it, and the...
Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein
In parashat Acharei-Mot (Vayikra 16), the Torah describes the special service performed by the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) – a service meant to atone for...
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman
the identity of the Song of Ha'azinu as a "witness" raises a series of interrelated questions. First and foremost we may duly wonder regarding the content...
Dr. Yael Ziegler
In this concluding article for chapters 1 and 2 of Eicha we explore the thematic, linguistic, and technical/structural similarities, which suggest a...
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Where did Jewish singularity lie? The clue lies in the precise wording of Bilaam’s blessing: “Behold it is a people that dwells alone.” For it was as a...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
After criticizing six foreign nations and Judea, Amos declares his oracle about Israel. What form does the punishment take, and why? Moreover, what is the...