
Found 9 Search results

  1. Why Are the Laws of the Nazir and the Sota Juxtaposed?

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Why did the Torah position the episodes of Nazir and Sotah in proximity to the sanctification of the Levites? Apparently the Torah wishes to compare the sanctity of the Nazir to that of the Levites, indicating that anyone can achieve sanctity similar to that of the priests. The Sotah, on the other hand, is contrasted with the Nazir. This contrast is highlighted by details such as the prohibition to cut the Nazir’s hair, the commandment to cut the hair of the High Priest, and the letting down of the Soah’s hair. The hair is a Nezer – a crown – and the attitude toward this ornament changes based on the relative sanctity of the individual.

  2. The Mishkan and the Nazir

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman

    This article explores the meaning of the mitzvot in Parashat Naso, which define its significance of the Mishkan in day-to-day life.

  3. Completing the Mahane

    Rabbi Ezra Bick

    Parashat Naso elaborates on four different mitzvot. What is the significance of the placement of these mitzvot among the stories of Bemidbar? Sending the impure from the camp is part of the creation of a camp worthy of God's Divine Presence. Apparently Sotah and Nazir, and even the Guilt Offering for Abuse of Sanctified Property, address the social ramifications of this theme. The Camp is a spiritual, as well as physical, entity. As such, it must remain pure, and focused on its purpose and objective - enabling God to dwell within His nation.

  4. Parshat Naso

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 28 minutes

    Many of the topics in Parshat Naso seem to belong in Sefer Vayikra  rather than in Sefer Bamidbar- Korbanot, Nazir, Sotah, Birkat Kohanim, etc. However, upon closer examination of each story, we can gain an understanding as to their connection to the nation, to the machane, and to the mishkan, and therefore why these are in fact appropriately placed in Sefer Bamidbar. 

  5. Completing the Machane (Audio)

    Rabbi Ezra Bick | 12 minutes

    How do the four "halakhic" sections that appear in Parashat Naso fit with the rest of the parasha, which deals with completing the construction of the Israelite encampment and, by extension, establishing a spiritually wholesome Jewish society?

  6. Parshat Naso - Bridging Vision and Reality

    Rabbi Yair Kahn

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | 10 minutes

    How do the three prominent halakhic passages of Parashat Naso fit in with the overall narrative structure of Sefer Bamidbar?

  7. Dust and Ashes: Avraham, the Red Heifer, and the Sota

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  8. The Agricultural and Historical Significance of Sefirat HaOmer

    Rabbi Yaakov Medan

    The Festival of Freedom, which commemorates the unique historical event of the Exodus, must coincide with the start of the annual agricultural season - the harvest. What is the connection between the two?

    It is somewhat puzzling that while the Torah speaks directly of both aspects of Pesach - agricultural and historical - it focuses solely on the agricultural significance of Sefirat Ha-Omer and Shavuot. In fact, it is the Sages who calculate that Matan Torah took place on the selfsame day that we are commanded to offer the shtei ha- lechem. Why does the Torah not mention the historical significance of the day at all?

    While it is true that there is no direct mention of Shavuot as the commemoration of the revelation at Sinai, the connection is very strongly hinted at in the verses by the use of Sefirat Ha-Omer as the link between Pesach and Shavuot, as will be explained.


    Translated by Zev Jacobson

  9. Parshat Ki Tisa - The Breaking of the Luchot

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 35 minutes

    We will discuss the story of the Sin of the Golden Calf.  To what extent is this idol worship - or is it something else? What is the motivation of Israel? We touch on these questions, but focus on a third: what is this story all about?

    The description of the tablets inscribed with the Finger of God can offer a clue. What is the role of the luchot in story of the Sin of the Golden Calf? Why does Moshe make the people drink the water with the ashes of the Golden Calf? We compare this strange incident with the Sotah ritual, and compare the story of the covenant with the story of the anti-covenant.