
Total Number of lessons: 1058
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source: ;
What are Chazal trying to tell us when they say it is wrong to call Avraham Avinu by his former name, “Avram”? We view the name-change moment as the...
Dr. Tova Ganzel Source:
Why does the Beit Hamikdash in Jerusalem, take a backseat in the book of Yehezkel? This shiur explores possible reasons for Yehezkel’s idiosyncratic...
Rabbi Ezra Bick Source:
Eliyahu's triumph at Mount Carmel is followed immediately by the mystery and shadows of Mount Chorev. What is the connection between them, and what is the...
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman
The Tanakh uses many paradigms to describe the relationship between Hashem and Am Yisrael, among them Av, Ro'eh, and Melekh. But just what does it mean...
Rabbi Chaim Brovender Source: ;
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag provides a ten minute introduction concerning the book of Yirmiahu, and Yirmiahu's purpose as related to the Destruction of the...
