Devarim vs. Shemot

Found 4 Search results

  1. Sefer Devarim - the most 'misunderstood' book in the Bible

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

    תאריך פרסום: תשסט | |

    Despite the popular assumption that Sefer Devarim is a ‘review’ of Chumash, our lecture will prove quite the contrary; showing how most of its legal content actually belongs in Sefer Shmot. Afterward, as we discuss the prophetic purpose of its composition, we will explain why its narratives appear to contradict what was recorded earlier in Shmot & Bamidbar – and why the two sections of daily “kriyat shema” have become so central in our daily prayers.

  2. God's Voice Speaking from Amidst the Fire

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | 12 minutes

    What is the meaning of the central role of fire and sound in the three descriptions of the Revelation at Sinai in Sefer Devarim?

  3. “You Shall Make For Yourself an Ark of Wood”

    Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot

    A crucial difference between Sefer Devarim and Sefer Shemot is the mention of the wooden ark that was created for the second tablets in Sefer Devarim. The explanation for this has to do with the “immanent” nature of Sefer Shemot against the “transcendental” nature of Sefer Devarim. This explains why the Mishkan and Ohel Moed are not mentioned in Sefer Devarim - because the main goal of the covenant in Devarim is the keeping of the mitzvot, and not the dwelling of the Divine Presence as it is in Sefer Shemot. 

  4. The Torah of Man

    Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun

    Sefer Devarim describes a shift in Bnei Yisrael’s view of leadership, going from a nation that is dependent on miracles and tests, to one that is constant and stable. The beginning of Parshat Devarim represents this transition to a new situation: obeying God involves observing the covenant, the covenant of Torah from Sinai, which is the fixed and eternal mode of God’s leadership of the nation.