
Total Number of lessons: 1058
Rabbi Yitzchak Blau Source:
Devarim 18 both prohibits turning to the necromancer or soothsayer and commands listening to the prophet. Does this contrast portray the prophet as...
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Tropper Source:
The covenant between G-d and Israel is a basic underpinning of the Jewish tradition. The Torah contains two covenants: one immediately after the exodus,...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom Source:
This famous declaration/Tefillah uttered by Yehoshua presents a literary challenge, due to internal contradictions and an unexpected choice of words. By...
Dr. Avigail Rock Source:
Throughout the trials and tribulations of the Jewish nation, the story of the Akeida has always been a source of inspiration and a model of absolute...
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom Source:
Mordekhai's refusal to prostrate before Haman is the key to the plot of the Megilah - if he doesn't refuse, there is no decree, no Purim - and no Megilat...
Dr. Ruth Walfish Source:
The story of Bilaam raises some intriguing questions: why does the Torah dedicate three chapters to this story (Numbers, chapters 22-24)? What kind of...
