Rabbi Chaim Brovender

Found 2 Search results

  1. A Fresh look at Eicha Chapter 5

    Rabbi Chaim Brovender

    תאריך פרסום: תשס"ט | |

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag provides a ten minute introduction concerning the book of Yirmiahu, and Yirmiahu's purpose as related to the Destruction of the Temple. Yirmiahu's purpose is not to predict the destruction, but to prevent it. This serves as important background to Megillat Eikha, which is ascribed by Chazal to Yirmiahu and which presents the Destruction in the past tense. Rabbi Brovender discusses the fifth chapter of Eikha and connects its ideas to other parts of Tanakh.

  2. A Fresh Look at Eicha Chapter 5

    Rabbi Chaim Brovender

    תאריך פרסום: תשס"ט | | 52 minutes

    This shiur examines chapter 5 in Megillat Eikha, which seems to differ in both style and content from the rest of the megilla. These differences can be explained through an analysis of the process of categorizing the books of Tanach, and the differences between the books in Nevi'im and Ketuvim. Noticing the differences between the books in each category teaches us about the goals of the books, and sheds light on chapter 5 of Eikha - focusing on the concepts of teshuva, zachor, and what they mean for us today.