Rabbi Gad Dishi

Found 19 Search results

  1. Yosef and the Master's Wife

    Rabbi Gad Dishi

    תאריך פרסום: תשעב | |

    Why does Potifar’s Wife only make her advance “after these things”? What function does this perek serve in the macro story of Yosef and his brothers? A slew of fascinating literary and structural analysis refocuses our attention away from the realm of romantic relationships; instead, we become aware of a battleground for power. Yosef’s stance will prove to be far more calculated and even more admirable than meets the eye.

  2. But WHY didn't Ahab kill Ben-Haddad?

    Rabbi Gad Dishi

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | | Hour and 5 minutes

    Why is Chapter 20 of Melakhim located where it is? It appears to be a battle narrative that is out of place with the surrounding chapters. And why is there such an emphasis on Ahav building up Yeriho (Jericho)? Why is God displeased by the end of the story in Chapter 20?

    Rabbi Gad Dishi brings the perakim to life through an interdisciplinary approach. Literary and linguistic tools, Ancient Near East studies, and archeological findings all enhance our understanding of Tanakh and of the important theological message within. Linguistic and thematic parallels to other parts of Tanakh and to other texts call into question whether these stories are meant to be read as battle narratives -or whether they are a different genre: a satirical polemic with an important message.

  3. Truth, Perception, or Lies

    Rabbi Gad Dishi

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |

    This lecture details the vast differences between how Sefer Devarim and Sefer Bemidbar recount the episode of the spies. Why aren’t they the same? If one is right is the other wrong? How can one cope with such a phenomenon?  Focusing on the differences in each allow for a greater appreciation of the challenges that faced Bnei Yisrael and their leaders as they prepared to enter the Land of Israel.

  4. Do you Belittle that You Took My Husband? (Gen. 30:15) - Who Took Whose Husband?

    Rabbi Gad Dishi

    תאריך פרסום: תשעד | |

    What was going on in the "sister switch" story, wherein Lavan gave Leah in marriage to Yaakov instead of Rachel? How was Yaakov,though savvy when it came to his brother and father, fooled by Lavan, and why did he not take action? Who participated in the marital switch? What is going on in the Yaakov-Leah relationship wherein Leah feels hated? We examine the tragic "dudaim' story within the rest of the narrative of Yaakov in Haran, and consider the possibility that Leah was completely unaware of Yaakov's original deal with Lavan. What is the Torah teaching us with this story?

  5. Shoftim - Who Needs Them?

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 49 minutes

    What is the function of the shoftim? This lesson examines the historical and geographical context of the period of the shoftim, and explores the internal and external contradiction of the Navi's view of a king. The theme at the end of the sefer, "ein melech beYisrael" (there is no king in Israel), clearly portrays a monarch as a necessity, yet we can also see throughout the sefer a strong resistance towards kingship as well. 

  6. Parshat Toldot Part 1: Yaakov and Esav

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 30 minutes

    The beginning of Parshat Toldot presents a conclusion to the Avraham stories, as well as an introduction to Yaakov and Esav’s lives;  the meaning of birth order, prophecy, and birthright. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  7. Parshat Toldot Part 2: Yitzhak in Gerrar

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 27 minutes

    Perek 26 discusses Yitzchak’s life events. Through an exploration of textual parallelis we can notice many similarities to Avraham’s life, suggesting that Yitzchak’s role is to expand upon his father’s accomplishments. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  8. Parshat Toldot Part 3: Yitzhak's Wells

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 35 minutes

    This podcast concludes perek 26, focusing on Yitzchak’s life. Through a textual analysis we can notice the parallels with Avraham’s life, as Yitzchak attempts to reinforce Avraham’s actions while still forming his own identity. We can also notice the theme of the wells that is prevalent throughout the chapter. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  9. Parshat Toldot Part 4: Masquerading as Esav

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 32 minutes

    Chapter 27 describes the episode whereby Yaakov steals Yitzchak’s blessings from Esav. What can we learn from this story? A close examination of the text reveals some additional details to the narrative that can shed some light on its message.  

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  10. Parshat Toldot Part 5: Usurping the Blessings

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 27 minutes

    This podcast is the second one dealing with perek 27, in which Yitzchak realizes he had been deceived by Yaakov who usurped Esav’s blessing. We discuss the concept of dishonesty in this episode as well as the ideas behind the meanings of the blessings received by the sons. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  11. Parshat Toldot Part 6: Separation of Powers

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 18 minutes

    This final podcast of Parshat Toldot deals with the aftermath of the blessing narrative, in which Esav vows to kill Yaakov, and Yaakov leaves on a journey to find a wife. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  12. Parshat Vayetze Part 2: The Conjugal Switch

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 22 minutes

    A close examination of perek 29 reveals clear parallels between the story of the switch between Rachel and Leah and the story of Yaakov stealing the blessing in the previous perek. Therefore, we may suggest that this story comes as a form of retribution for Yaakov’s deception. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  13. Parshat Vayetze Part 3: The Currency of Jealousy

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 26 minutes

    Through a close reading of the text describing the birth of Yaakov’s children in perakim 29-30, we can come to a deeper understanding of the relationship between Yaakov and his wives Rachel and Leah. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  14. Parshat Vayetze Part 4: The Third Work Agreement

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 17 minutes

    The second half of perek 30 describes the wealth that Yaakov amassed at Lavan’s house, and the third work agreement he brokered with Lavan. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  15. Parshat Vayetze Part 5: Pledging Allegiance

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 25 minutes

    The first part of Perek 31 details Yaakov’s departure from Charan, his subsequent meetup with Lavan, and Rachel’s deception in stealing the terafim. These episodes parallel the earlier narratives of Yaakov arriving in Charan, his first meeting with Lavan, and the deception of the switch between the sisters.  

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  16. Parshat Vayetze Part 6: The Showdown

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | 26 minutes

    This podcast concludes Parshat Vayetze. A close analysis of the text reveals parallels between Yaakov’s meeting with Lavan and their treaty and his dream of the ladder occurring previously in Beit El.                

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  17. Sefer Bemidbar: Let's Get This Straight

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | Hour and 5 minutes

    Why is the book of Bemidbar out of chronological order and where? What does this represent and what can we learn from this? This lecture analyzes whether there is a logical order to the sequence of the narratives in Sefer Bemidbar by conducting a structural analysis and exploring parallels in content and linguistics between the various parts of the book. This exploration leads us to an understanding of our relationship with God, and what it means to be His nation.

    Click here for a downloadable audio version of this lecture

  18. Is Religious Freedom Enough? Early 2nd Temple Polemics (Hagai, Zekharia, Ezra)

    Rabbi Gad Dishi | Hour and 10 minutes

    When Darius the Great ascends the throne of Persia a fateful debate rages beneath the surface amongst the Jewish leadership. Should they be grateful  and suffice with the right of return and religious freedom Persia awarded or should they risk it all and join a multi-regional revolt to achieve political freedom and the reestablishment of the Jewish monarchy? The shiur provides an introduction discussing timeline in the Bible, Empires dealt with in the Bible, and who were the Jewish leaders of Yehud under Darius. The introduction is followed by pointing out a number of oddities and seeming contradictions regarding the depiction of events as relayed by Hagai, Zekhariah, Malakhi and Ezra. These difficulties are resolved by analyzing the shifting balance of power between Yehoshua Kohen Gadol and Zerubavel and a planned rebellion against Paras. Archaeological evidence is used to buttress the claim of a possible rebellion. The shiur ends with a possible biblical message for future generations.

  19. Black Boxes and Remembering Egypt: How and Why? (Exodus 13)

    Rabbi Gad Dishi

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | | Hour and 4 minutes

    Oddly, we are commanded to wear tefillin - a physical item that serves as a reminder of the Exodus. Yet, how are these revered, mysterious black boxes meant to recall the Mighty Hand that took us out of Egypt? With a glimpse into Ancient Egypt, we will explore the origins of Tefillin and discover one of the Bible's "Meta"-themes. In doing so, we will learn how we may possibly be able to transmit our personal religious experience to the next generation.