The two sections of Parashat Para end off in with a conclusion that they are "hukkat olam" - an eternal laws. Hazal say that the commandment of the Para Aduma (Red Heifer) was given to Bnei Yisrael before Mount Sinai - and before the Mishkan. If this is so, what could the significance and relevance of Parashat Para be to that generation? Parashat Para deals describes a purification process from impurity (which bars one from entering the Mikdash), ostensibly so that one could come to the Mikdash afterward. If there was no mikdash yet, why would they receive these laws? Hazal are saying that there is still something to learn from non-practical laws, like laws that are perhaps never to be performed - like Ben Sorer U-Moreh (the Wayward Son). Perhaps the law about Amalek can be viewed in a similar light today.  We also  relate to the Sin of the Golden Calf, the limits of teshuva and the challenges in facing evil.