Not knowing the answers doesn’t mean we should shy away from the questions. What do we do when the value system by which we live doesn’t see to correspond to a value that seemingly appears in the Torah?

Kohanim with disabilities are not to serve in the Beit Hamikdash. They are Kohanim who are not allowed to sacrifice offernings, but they are allowed to partake in the eating which is exclusive to Kohanim. What does this mean, and why are these partial limitations in place?

As we grapple with the question, we examine the role of kohanim and gain insight into the roles and significance of priesthood, prophecy, and monarchy, all of which are somewhat arbitrary and not available options to the majority of people. The Kohanim function as the vessels for the sacrifices of the nation. This paradigm may help us to better understand the limitations of the priesthood.

KMTT - תשס"ט