Yirmiyahu's war against the false prophets continues in perek 29, this time describing his struggle with the false prophets in the Babylonian exile. Those exiled in the exile of Yehoyachin were influenced by the false prophets who prophesied that the exile would end soon and there would be a return to Jerusalem. In contrast to these prophecies stands Yirmiyahu, who sends a letter to the exiles to convince them to settle in and establish themselves in the exile, which will continue for a while longer. Paradoxically, it is Yirmiyahu's prophecy of the long exile which contains within it the seeds of hope and redemption. In the continuation of the perek we hear how Yirmiyahu's letter angers one of the false prophets in Babylonia, Shmayahu haNechelami, who requests that the priests in Jerusalem imprison Yirmiyahu. In response Yirmiyahu prophesies that Shmayahu's descendants will not merit seeing the consolation.

Perek 30 opens the section of prophecies of consolation in the book, which continues through perek 33. Our perek describes the Day of the Lord, the day when the great war will begin which will begin the salvation of Israel, a prophecy which seems to hint at the fall of the Babylonian empire. In the continuation of the prophecy, the stages of redemption are described - the return of Israel to its land and to independence, the rebuilding of the desolate land and the renewal of the connection between God and His nation.  

Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen