"Even though we do not seek explanations for the juxtaposition (semikhut) of themes throughout the Torah, we do so in the Mishneh Torah (Sefer Devarim)." (Berakhot 21b) The aim of this article will be to examine the order of the parashot in Parashat Vayelekh and to understand their significance.

What can the order and content of the various sections of Parashat Vayelekh teach us about the complementary roles of routine and novelty in our relationship with God? We examine the peculiarity of Hakhel, raise questions and attempt to answer them, such as: why is it only mentioned in Sefer Devarim, and why does everyone have to attend? We look at Hakhel as a reenactment of the Revelation at Har Sinai, view the tasks of the Leviim as an extension of Ki Tisa, and examine the appointment of Yehoshua. We explore connections between Parashat Vayelekh and the story of Eliyahu at Mount Carmel and his return to Mount Sinai (Horev), along with the command to appoint Elisha. Messages emerge about the leadership and cohesion of Am Yisrael.

9 pages
Courtesy of the Virtual Beit Midrash, Yeshivat Har Etzion