What is the significance of all the events in Yaakov's life? Why does he face such hardships and challenges? The complexity of Yaakov's life is apparent at every stage. Many things that happen to him reflect dual causality: a human, natural process and a Divine one.

·The departure from Charan is not only an escape from Esav, but also a move inspired with the mission of finding a wife, and accompanied by God's blessing.

·The return to Canaan is not motivated solely by fear of Lavan, but also accompanied, once again, by a Divine revelation.

·The arrival in Beit El is not only prompted by the fear that the men of Shekhem are going to kill him, but also in response to God's command to return to there.

·The descent to Egypt is likewise not prompted solely by the desire to see Yosef. God's word accompanies Yaakov's journey, imbuing the descent with a meaningful spiritual dimension.

Yaakov continues to bear both names, because both realities continue to exist within him to the end. And it seems that it is specifically this complex challenge that is the source and root of Am Yisrael. Yaakov's family is the founding family of the nation. The nation is called "Am Yisrael," but sometimes they are also referred to as "Yaakov." The grappling with all aspects of reality, including its most difficult challenges, while all the time bearing the great vision accompanying the entire journey – that is the foundation of Am Yisrael, the children of Yaakov.

Courtesy of the Virtual Beit Midrash, Yeshivat Har Etzion