Yehoshua's Pessah at Gilgal

נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Korban Pesach - Sacrifice or Feast?

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman

    The Pessach God commands the nation to bring in Egypt includes various sacrificial elements - but one of the essential elements of a sacrifice - an altar - is absent. This essay posits that the homes of Bnei Yisrael were made into an altar for the purpose of sacrificing the Pessach. This supposition sheds light on the function of the Pessach sacrifice in this parasha and throughout Tanach.

  2. Yehoshua Perek 5

    Jesse Salem | 21 דקות

    Yehoshua Perek 5 describes two important mitzvot performed by bnei yisrael immediately after entering Eretz Yisrael- brit mila and Pesach. 


    Courtesy of

  3. Yehoshua 5-6

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    At last the People of Israel take their first steps as a nation on its own land. Circumcision, the celebration of Passover, and the encounter with the angel serve as a preamble to the miraculous conquest of the first city in the land of Israel. We will explore the connections between circumcision, Passover, and inheriting the Land, while at the same time seeking to understand the broader significance of Yericho’s conquest. 

  4. Pesach and the Feast of Matzot – Two Holidays Rather than One

    Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun

    In the Torah, Pesach (Passover) and the Feast of Matzot (Chag Ha-Matzot) are two connected holidays, rather than a single holiday that begins with the Paschal offering. But Pesach also appears in the Torah and in the Prophets on its own, without the Feast of Matzot, in various forms and sometimes even without a date, in the sense of miraculous rescue. Through a close examination of the text we can understand the relationship between these two aspects of the holiday and the crucial role that each plays.