
נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Introduction to Kabalat Shabbat

    Kabalat Shabbat (Part 1)

    Rabbi Avi Baumol

    The dual nature of Shabbat is presented: Universal - stemming from the creation of the world - and national - stemming from the Exodus from Egypt and the covenant between God and the Jewish People. This dual nature will be evaluated throughout the Mizmorim of Kabalat Shabbat.

  2. Mizmorim 96 and 98

    Kabbalat Shabbat (Part 2)

    Rabbi Avi Baumol

    A comparison between Mizmors 96 and 98 mirror the two aspects of Shabbat previously described. Mizmor 96 calls out to the world and to nature to praise God while Mizmor 98 calls out to praise ‘our’ God for the salvation he has brought to the Jewish Nation.

  3. Mizmor 97

    Kabalat Shabbat (Part 3)

    Rabbi Avi Baumol

    The progression of the praising of God is noted: from the universal natural, to the nations of the world and ultimately culminating with the righteous people in the world praising God for the coming of the day of Judgement. God’s victory over the idol gods is evaluated.

  4. Mizmor 95

    Kabalat Shabbat (Part 5)

    Rabbi Avi Baumol

    Mizmor 95, the introductory Mizmor to Kabalat Shabbat, combines the universal desire to praise God, with God's demand for reciprocity from His Nation in keeping His commandments. This mirrors the desire for spirituality on Shabbat with the rigorous demands of keeping Shabbat.