God's Greatness

נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Fear Not For I Am With You

    Haftarot: Lekh Lekha

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    The prophet emphasizes God's ability and desire to redeem His nation, both because of their significance, and because of the covenant of the Forefathers.

  2. Nothing is Nearer than Him

    Haftarot: Yitro

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    God’s exaltation is beyond all measure; how then can He act within the confines of the world He created? God's transcendence stands in contradiction to His involvement in our material world. Yeshayahu’s message is that wherever we find a description of God’s exaltation, we also find a description of His providence.

  3. Two Ways to Praise God - Mizmor 145

    Dr. Yael Ziegler |

    What is the importance of Mizmor 145 (Ashrei) that warrants our recitation of it three times a day? This shiur offers a close examination of this Psalm, analyzing its structure and composition that profoundly affect the deeper understanding of the Psalm itself. By gaining a closer appreciation of the text, one can understand God's interaction with man, and the desire to cultivate a connection in which man and God are involved in a reciprocal relationship.