
Total Number of articles: 1579
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source: ;
Why does the Torah repeat the commandment of Shabbat along with the commandment of the Mishkan? The new command includes a variety of innovations,...
Rabbi Elchanan Samet Source:
From a literary perspective, are Vayak'hel - Pekudei one or two units? Why does Moshe's summation appear between the vessels and the garments, instead of...
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon Source:
Why does the Torah require salt on the sacrifices? We will explore the unique characteristics of salt by examining salt in various biblical contexts....
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
When Yaakov departs for Haran, God appears to him in a dream and makes several promises. Yaakov is hesitant about the fulfillment of one of the promises,...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source: ; ; ;
The rape and abduction of Deena and murder of the entire city of Shechem raises a number of moral issues; however; the Torah is vague about its evaluation...
Rabbi Amnon Bazak Source:
Yehuda prevents his brothers from killing Yosef; but suggests that they sell him instead. How does the Torah evaluate his actions? What is the...
Prof. Jonathan Grossman Source: ;
The Pessach God commands the nation to bring in Egypt includes various sacrificial elements - but one of the essential elements of a sacrifice - an altar...
