Yishayahu's Prophecy regarding Egypt

Found 2 Search results

  1. Yeshayahu 19-20

    Matan Al HaPerek

    Rabbi David Sabato

    This prophecy, which describes Egypt’s replacement of polytheistic worship with worship of Israel’s God, completes Yeshayahu’s vision for the End of Days. The prophecy is comprised of two sections the first section (1-15) describes the stages of destruction which will be brought upon Egypt, and the second section (16-25) discusses ,the gradual process of rehabilitation which will bring Egypt and eventually Assyria, to a devoted commitment to God. This process is paralleled to Israel’s exodus from Egypt, beginning with enslavement, the harsh rule of a despot, and plagues which bring about recognition and worship of God. The surprising twist of this perek is that it is Egypt itself who undergoes this transformative process. Beginning from the time of Avraham, Egypt symbolized the spiritual, moral, and religious antithesis of the Jewish people. The exodus from Egypt was not simply a freedom from slavery, but represented redemption from everything Egypt symbolized. Many commandments in the Torah are presented as contrasts to the immoral behavior typical of Egypt. Yeshayahu’s prophecy transforms Israel’s exodus from Egypt into the paradigm of redemption which Egypt itself will one day merit.

  2. Yetziat Mitzrayim in Isaiah: A New Redemption

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | | Hour and 5 minutes

    The story of the Exodus from Egypt is woven into the prophecies of consolation in the Book of Isaiah, both as a way of comparing and contrasting between them. To understand the nature of these linguistic and thematic allusions and their theological message, we will explore the historical context of Isaiah's prophecies of consolation and compare it to the foundational story of Israel leaving Egypt.



    Dedicated in memory of Tom Weisz, z'l, Moshe Meir ben Avraham haKohen v'Rivka Rachel by his wife, Shelli and family. His dedication to Torah learning remains our inspiration