wise hearted

Found 2 Search results

  1. The Contributors to the Miskhan

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    The long introduction to the creation of the Mishkan is based on two facets: Contribution and Creation.

  2. Generosity and Creativity in Building the Mishkan

    Sharón Rimón

    The phrases “nediv lev” and “chakham lev” repeat continuously throughout the description of the construction of the Mishkan in Parshat Vayakhel. An analysis of the text reveals that there is one central idea that connects the two themes: the heart. As we have seen, the word "lev" expresses inner connection to the action. A person who is "nediv lev" brings his offering out of an inner desire, with enthusiasm. One who is "chakham lev" performs his labor with an inner connection to God's will. The word "lev," recurring 14 times in these verses, testifies to the deep inner connection that Bnei Yisrael felt towards every aspect of the building of the Mishkan and its components.