
Found 3 Search results

  1. The Testimony of Ha'azinu

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 31 minutes

    What is the purpose of the text of Haazinu and the "heavens and earth" serving in a witnessing capacity? Haazinu presents divine justice - and reminds Bnei Yisrael that the "measure for measure" horrors during a time of "Hester Panim" - times when God hides His Face - are still bracketed by past and future Divine healing. Haazinu, juxtaposed with the "Luchot Ha-Edut" (Tablets of Testimony) is a testament to the eternal and lasting covenantal connection between God and Israel.

  2. Torah and Song, Heaven and Earth (Audio)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak | 15 minutes

    As the people of Israel prepare to enter into the land, Moshe appoints a series of metaphorical witnesses to the covenant between God and Israel, and all that it entails. What are these pairs of "witnesses" and what deeper meaning does each one signify?


  3. Nitzavim: Heaven and Earth as Witnesses

    Rabbi David Silverberg