
Found 18 Search results

  1. The Bride of Yitzchak

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman

    This lesson follows Rivkah's unique character, and her surprising similarity to Avraham. The story of finding Yitzchak a bride focuses on Rivkah, and carries implications on our understanding of God's way in the world after the Akeida.

  2. Rivka

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    This lesson explores the meeting between Rivkah and Avraham's servant, and the parallels between Rivkah and Avraham, which highlight Rivkah's unique personality.

  3. We Cannot Speak to You - Bad or Good

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  4. Avraham's Servant: The True Path

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  5. Rivka Dismounting from the Camel

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  6. Rivka: Three Years Old?

  7. Rivka - Finding Meaning Amidst Pain

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  8. Netziv on Yitzhak's Blessing

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  9. When Rivka Went to Seek God

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  10. Rivka Seeking God: Comfort in the Midst of Pain

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  11. Rivka - Mother of Yaakov AND Esav

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  12. Kan Tzipor & Yaakov's Deception of Esav

    Rabbi David Fohrman

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | |

    Can the Torah create an immersive, three-dimensional experience? We argue that yes, it does and look at certain methodology of doing so. We will see how one verse can serve as a lens and a larger text will be the screen. The "lens" in this shiur is the mitzva about the mother bird and her nest. We will then view the story of Yaakov and Esav's meeting in Parashat VaYishlach through the lens of that verse about the mother bird. Why did Yaakov send messengers to Esav, when he had no evidence that Esav's anger had abated? Who is the "mother bird" in this story? Who "sends the mother bird away?" What role do Rivka's instructions to Yaakov play here?

  13. Devorah the Nursemaid and Devorah the Prophetess

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  14. Rivka & Esther: Mirror Images

    Vivien Hidary

    תאריך פרסום: 5777 | | Hour and 7 minutes

    The genre for Megillat Esther seems to be cryptology -  the message is encrypted, because otherwise it would have been censored by the ruling powers in the Persian Empire. To decipher the message, we need the codebook, and for us - the codebook is the Torah.

    Our focus in this shiur is on Esther and Rivka, two women who had to take action for the sake of the nation. But our study of Esther will bring us to far-reaching comparisons with other women (and men) in Tanakh, as we pay careful attention to the wording, leitmotif (milah manha), and other tools that offer hints at a hidden message about an enduring struggle. 

  15. Perpetual Motion

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

  16. VaYishlach: Where Was Rivka?

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  17. A Meeting

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

  18. “If so, why do I exist?”

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky