Redeeming the Name of the Deceased Relative

Found 2 Search results

  1. Boaz and Ploni Almoni

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    Who is the main character of the book – Ruth or Naomi? Elimelech and Naomi deal with the problems of famine and children in ways that represent the era of the Judges, while Ruth and Boaz's solutions represent a new way. The potential redeemer is nameless because he refuses to establish his deceased relative's name.

  2. Perpetuating the Name: The Levirate Marriage

    Dr. Yael Ziegler

    While no legal link exists, Boaz links the buying of the land to the marriage of Ruth in order to maintain the name of the deceased – by producing a child who will inherit the land. The end of the book of Judges is full of nameless characters. Boaz maintaining names sends the Nation to its Davidic destiny.