Laws of hekdesh

Found 2 Search results

  1. The Value of Man

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    The laws of Erkhin at the end of Vayikra discuss the value of human beings, animals, homes, and fields. The value is generally set based on specific information, aside from man whose value is based on age and gender alone. This lesson discusses the problems of assigning value to human beings, and attempts to understand the criteria for setting these values.

  2. The Function of the Temple Menora

    Rabbi Moshe Taragin

     Chanuka candles may not be used during the time they are lit. This halakha (among others) indicates a halakhic association between the menora we light and the one lit in the Mikdash (whose oil is not to be used for non-hekdesh purposes). In light of this linkage, this article will analyze the menora of the Mikdash. What is the function of the menora, and what is its relationship with the Mikdash? What is the purpose of the Mikdash? What is the difference between an ideal menorah and a less-than-ideal one?