The centrality of man in Creation

Found 4 Search results

  1. Redemption as Creation

    Haftarot: Bereisheet

    Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

    The haftara of Bereisheet provides another perspective on creation, according to which God, and not man, is at the center of creation. God's honor is provided as a reason for the redemption of Am Yisrael, and the prophet explains how the fear and awe of God relate to the nation's punishment. The haftara describes the redemption as a renewed creation.

  2. Codename: Adam

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

  3. Parshat Bereshit Part 1: Creation: Days 1-6 (Perek 1)

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 35 minutes

    The first chapter of Bereshit describes the six days of the creation of the world. This podcast discusses the question of creation narrative alongside scientific theories, the structure of the different days of creation and the importance of this chapter given its historical context of Babylonian myths. 

    Courtesy of

  4. Preservation of Nature – Human Responsibility

    The Structure & Story of Book I

    Dr. Beni Gesundheit | Hour

    Unit I, Tehillim 3-14

    Tehillim 3-14, the first unit in Book 1, forms a chiastic structure around its central mizmor, Tehillim 8. This mizmor describes the place of man in relation to God and the creation. The contextual interpretation will be used to show how parallel verses in proximal chapters surrounding this mizmor reinforce the concept that the respect given to man places upon him the responsibility to take care of creation.

    The overall structure and story of Book 1, mizmorim 1-41, are presented using contextual interpretation.