Arvot Moav

Found 4 Search results

  1. The Main Monologue of Sefer Devarim

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    Moshe's monologue is finally complete. Rishonim are divided as to when Moshe actually heard the content of this speech from God. Specifically, the Rishonim discuss the many commandments that appear within this monologue: did Moshe receive these commandments at Sinai or did he receive them only in The Fortieth Year?

  2. The Structure and Significance of the Opening Verses

    Dr. Mordechai Sabato

    Parshat Re’eh opens the Covenant of Arvot Mo’av, which is concluded with blessings and curses. Brit of Arvot Mo’av – a collection of statutes and judgements - is a completion of the Ten Commandments in Horev. The observance of mitzvot entails a blessing and a curse, and the blessing and the curse are part of the conditions of the land.

  3. God Gave the Land of Moav to the Moabites

    Ramban on Parshat Devarim

    Rabbi Ezra Bick | 37 minutes

    Perek Bet (Chapter Two) of the Book of Devarim starts with Moshe summarizing the voyages of Bnei Yisrael in the desert. As his narrative reaches the point where Bnei Yisrael come close to other nations who are blocking the way, some strange and seemingly contradictory phrases appear. At first it sounds like Bnei Yisrael turn away and avoid attack out of fear, and then the narrative states that they did not attack Moav or Edom because the Lands of Moav  and Edom were designated as such by God. What is going on here? We turn to Ramban for insight into these passages.

  4. Yehoshua Perek 13

    Jesse Salem | 25 minutes

    Yehoshua Perek 13 begins with a list of the unconquered lands of Eretz Yisrael, and continues with a recap of Moshe’s division of the land on the eastern side of the Jordan (Arvot Moav) to the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half of Menashe. 


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