
Total Number of lessons: 1058
Rabbi Moshe Shulman Source: Lesson Length:
Hour and 12 minutes
In this lecture, we delve into David's repentance while he remains married to Batsheva, the source of his sin, and examine Natan the Prophet's punishment...
Rabbi David Fohrman Source: Lesson Length:
Hour and 10 minutes
The story of Solomon and the two babies is one of the most famous and iconic in the entire Tanach. But it is also one of the most mysterious. The text...
Leah Herzog Source: Lesson Length:
59 minutes
These three chapters of Tehillim, ascribed to Moshe, describe the glory and power of Hashem juxtaposed with our limited understanding. They illuminate...
Rabbi Dr. Aharon Adler Source: ; Lesson Length:
Hour and 5 minutes
The precise date of Aharon's death is recorded as Rosh Chodesh Av. This is the sole example, throughout the entire Torah, of a recorded date of death and...
Rabbi Moshe Miller Source: ; ; Lesson Length:
55 minutes
Why does the mitzvah of yibum play a central role in Megillat Ruth? As a special example of the mitzvah of hesed and an ancient concept predating matan...
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein Source: ; ; ; Lesson Length:
Hour and 12 minutes
In this lecture, we will explore the various facets of redemption that appear throughout the Tanakh, with a particular focus on the portrayals by...
Rabbi David Fohrman Source: ; Lesson Length:
Hour and 10 minutes
By examining the stories of the Garden of Eden and Megilat Esther, we discover multiple parallels between them, and if we compare the two, we can...
Debra Geller Source: ; ; ; ; Lesson Length:
Hour and 5 minutes
In this lecture, we will be examining the “narrative” prayers, that is, those that appear within a story, of Eliyahu, Elisha, and other characters in...
Yael Leibowitz Source: ; Lesson Length:
50 minutes
This lecture will examine the ways in which the relationship between humanity and nature, as presented in Tanakh, can have a profound impact on our...
Rabbi Joe Wolfson Source: Lesson Length:
Hour and 2 minutes
A short Tanakh story and one of the strangest: Saul, on the eve of battle consults a pagan necromancer to raise the prophet Samuel from the dead to find...
