
Found 16 Search results

  1. Chana's Prayer

    Chapter 3

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    The structure and content of Tefillat Chana uncovers various problems with attributing the authorship of this prayer to Chana. This lesson will resolve these difficulties in the context of a greater challenge: the incompatibility between psalms and their titles.

  2. The First Dream and Its Interpretation (Part 3)

    Rabbi Yaakov Medan

    While Pharaoh’s dreams are a detail in the main story line of Yoseph’s rise to power, the story in Sefer Daniel stresses that God’s interest in communicating with Nevukhadnetzar is the primary purpose of his dreams. Nonetheless, since Nevukhadnetzar is such a sinful person, God cannot communicate with him, and therefore the dream is forgotten and Daniel is necessary. Daniel thanks God both for the content of Nevukhadnetzar’s dream and for revealing it to Daniel. God’s knowledge of man’s secrets is viewed differently by Iyov, who believes this reality damns man to fail in judgement before God – and by David as expressed in Tehillim, who views the knowledge as an opportunity for man to do better.

  3. By the Waters of Babylon: Analyzing Mizmor 137

    Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom

    תאריך פרסום: תש"ע | |

    Traditionally, mizmor Tehillim 137 of "Al neharot bavel" is known to be about mourning for the Beit Hamikdash while in exile. However, by analyzing this mizmor within the context of the purpose of Tehillim as a whole, we can uncover an alternative understanding - that this mizmor is actually a joyous reflective song about survival and triumph in the face of destruction.

  4. Tehilim 30 - A Song of Thanks

    Structure and Meaning

    Dr. Avigail Rock

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | | 56 minutes

    In this class we will unveil the message of this psalm by understanding its structure and literary devices, including allusions to several well-known Biblical narratives about David. 


  5. Tehillim Book 4 - The Roadmap of Jewish History

    Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | | Hour and 10 minutes

    In this shiur we examine what the fourth section of Tehillim is all about. Along the way, we discuss why we don’t mention Moshe in the Haggada on seder night and we gain insights into the readings of Kabbalat Shabbat. We follow the premise that the five books of Tehillim parallel the five books of the Torah. 

  6. Tehillim 107 and the Meaning of the Inverted "Nun" of Tanach

    Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky |

    We ask how it is possible to witness spectacular miracles and still end up as Dor HaMidbar. We examine the story of Noah and conclude that what is critical is human choice and action - what we do with what God shows us. Looking at the phenomenon Nun Hafukha (the “upside down Nun”) primarily through Mizmor 107 in Tehillim, we will build a large picture view of what the upside down nuns are, what they are about, what the message is, and why they appear in Tanakh where they do.

  7. Barkhi Nafshi: Tehillim 104 - A Midrash on Creation

    Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot | 55 minutes

    The Mizmor in Tehillim known as "Barkhi Nafshi" is recited on Rosh Hodesh - the first day of a new month, a time of renewal. We focus on the mizmor itself, looking at the content and structure, following the methodology of Meir Weiss and Rav Elhannan Samet. The Psalm has an envelope structure, beginning and ending with the phrase "Bless the LORD, O my soul." What is the Meshorer (Psalmist) blessing God about? The Mizmor seems to be a lyrical praise-filled depiction of creation-- not a chronological history of creation, but rather the Psalmist's experience of the world around him, the wisdom in God's setting up the state of creation of the wondrous world in a way that would allow humans and animals to flourish, with space for everyone to live in harmony, sustained by God.


  8. Does Sefer Tehillim Tell a Story?

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | Hour and 17 minutes

    Does Sefer Tehillim tell a story? We usually think of Tehillim as a randomly arranged anthology of poetry describing personal religious experiences, and the individual chapters are completely separate from one another. However, a close analysis of Sefer Tehillim reveals that the structure of the mizmorim is in fact deliberate, and we can notice a clear narrative emerging throughout the book. 

  9. Introduction to Sefer Tehillim

    Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom | Hour and 10 minutes

    What is Tehillim? What is the purpose of the book? How does one properly study the book of Tehillim? This lecture discusses the various options as to the purpose of the book, and outlines a methodology for the proper study and approach to mizmorei Tehillim through a close examination of chapter 23. 

  10. Tell His Righteousness to a Born Nation

    Based on a sicha by Harav Aharon Lichtenstein (Translated by Yoseif Bloch and Rav Ronnie Ziegler)

    Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein

    תאריך פרסום: תשס"ט |


    The declaration of the State of Israel filled hearts with terror and joy alike. I found myself, like every simple Jew, compelled to recite psalms. My attention was drawn to mizmor 22 "To the Conductor, on the morning star, a psalm of David," a chapter associated by the Sages with times of crisis.

    "They will come and tell His righteousness to a born nation as He has made it" (Psalms 22, 32).   Over half a century ago, certainly I took our verse to refer, first and foremost, to the present-tense "born," to a nation just now finding itself on its feet, at this moment undergoing the birth process, experiencing the pangs of emerging nationhood, the pangs of history - "a nation being born."

    However, it now seems to me that we can speak not only of one understanding, but of three valid interpretations.


  11. God Lifts the Destitute from the Dust: Abarbanel on the First Chapter of Hallel

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  12. Shir HaMaalot and Yom Yerushalayim

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  13. Introduction - Contextual Interpretation of the Book of Tehillim

    Dr. Beni Gesundheit | 4 minutes

    In loving memory of Nissan Nissim ben Miriam Marjum Cohen Erani

    Many commentaries have been used to understand each of the 150 songs of Tehillim; few relate to the meaning of their order and placement in the book. Contextual interpretation is an amazing tool that helps deepen our understanding of Tehillim based on this systematic method of analysis. 

  14. How Sefer Tehillim interprets Sefer Breishit

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

    תאריך פרסום: 2022 | | Hour and 5 minutes

    Even though Sefer Breishit clearly tells the story of how God chose our forefathers to start a nation; the underlying thematic question of why God chose them remains unclear. In this lecture, we will turn to several key chapters in the book of Tehillim that allude to those stories, to see how they can help us answer that fundamental question.

  15. Tehillim 90-92: A Journey of Emunah

    Leah Herzog

    תאריך פרסום: 2023 | | 59 minutes

    These three chapters of Tehillim, ascribed to Moshe, describe the glory and power of Hashem juxtaposed with our limited understanding. They illuminate Hashem’s omnipotence and infinitude all the while teaching us how to approach Him and rely on Him. Through textual analysis and interpretation, we can deepen our understanding of these important chapters and what it means to have faith, even (or specifically) in the darkest and hardest of times.


  16. Running Away from God? Tehillim 139

    Dr. Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble

    תאריך פרסום: 2022 | | Hour and 5 minutes

    Tehillim 139 is commonly perceived as a psalm filled with unbridled praise for God. However, this lecture will present an alternative perspective, shedding light on why its candid portrayal of religious life has become increasingly relatable in contemporary times. By exploring this unique interpretation, we gain a deeper understanding of the tehillim's relevance and significance for our lives today.