This shiur looks at some of the broader themes in Sefer Shemot, the story of Bnei Yisrael’s development into a nation. Why was the nation created? What was the purpose of the idea of a nation with a special relationship with God? The Book of Shemot can be divided into three broad sections, but how do the stories between the Song at the Sea and Mount Sinai fit into these categories? We return to some of the motifs in the first section of Shemot in order to answer our questions.

The story of Yitro serves as Shemot’s finale to the universalist goal of the Exodus story—that Egypt will recognize God. The rest of Shemot – the Giving of the Torah and the setting up of the Mishkan – begins to fulfill the other goal of the Exodus story: helping the People of Israel cultivate their own recognition of and relationship with God.