The chapter opens with the formidable King Uzzia of Yehuda, and closes with his son, "the flawless" Yotam, presenting a sixty-two year span of dynastic stability and serenity in the South. Concurrently, and occupying the central space of the chapter, five Northern kings are described as passing in rapid, tumultuous succession, with the Northern state racked by relentless political opportunism in which one national revolt is swiftly followed by further mutiny. The quick pace of coup and counter-coup along with foreign invasion race toward Yisrael's end, as Yisrael stands on the precipice of exile.

The looming danger is the ascent of the Empire of Ashur, a superpower the likes of which the Middle East has never seen. It is a historical event that will fundamentally change the region. As a result, an unprecedented four prophets prophesy during this period.

Courtesy of the Virtual Beit Midrash, Yeshivat Har Etzion