Sefer Melakhim dedicates two literary sections to the activities of two prophets. Eliyahu and Elisha perform many miracles and Elisha is Eliyahu’s successor. Eliyahu begins his prophecy when the Kingdom of Israel was politically stable, but had reached new spiritual lows. Eliyahu and Elisha seem to perform their miracles without an explicit command from God. A Divine message can be delivered orally or through action – even an action that is not explicitly commanded by God. At times God may not accept the independent action of a prophet. Other times God may help the prophet preform a miracle, even if God is not in complete agreement with the prophet’s action. The majority of prophetic actions preformed without an explicit command reflect the Divine will, and achieve the objective of the prophet’s mission.

Courtesy of the Virtual Beit Midrash, Yeshivat Har Etzion