Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

Found 29 Search results

  1. Yehoshua 1-2

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Perakim 1 and 2 of Yehoshua mark the beginning of a momentous transition for Am Yisrael. After the death of Moshe, Yehoshua becomes the new leader, the nation must adapt to life in the Land of Israel, and the people must evolve from their miraculous existence in the desert to a mundane one steeped in human conquest and agriculture. Throughout our learning, we will analyze different aspects of this transition by comparing it to related events from Chumash.


  2. Yehoshua 3-4

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    These perakim describe two formative events in the history of the Jewish People: the crossing of the Jordan and the entrance into the Land of Israel. In various ways, the language of the text and the events themselves echo the splitting of the Red Sea, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Revelation at Sinai. We will explore the broader context of the crossing of the Jordan, and its meaning for both the generation currently entering the Land and for future generations as well.  

  3. Yehoshua 5-6

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    At last the People of Israel take their first steps as a nation on its own land. Circumcision, the celebration of Passover, and the encounter with the angel serve as a preamble to the miraculous conquest of the first city in the land of Israel. We will explore the connections between circumcision, Passover, and inheriting the Land, while at the same time seeking to understand the broader significance of Yericho’s conquest. 

  4. Yehoshua 7-8

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    After the miraculous conquest of Yericho comes the time for the military campaign. Between the two battles, between loss and victory, appears the sin of Achan. Within this experience lies an important lesson that the entire nation must learn if they are to succeed in inheriting the Land. 

  5. Yehoshua 9-10

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    In these chapters, the people of Israel battle with the nations inhabiting the Land. This new reality poses both military and ethical challenges, and results in consequences that will accompany the people of Israel throughout the generations to come. 

  6. Yehoshua 11-12

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The people of Israel continue northward in their quest to conquer the Land. The descriptions of battles and the list of victories teach us the extent of the challenge facing the Jewish people in their attempt to settle the Land. 

  7. Yehoshua 13-14

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    With the completion of the first wave of the conquest, Yehoshua’s concerns turn to the apportioning of the Land- particularly with the inheritance of the two and a half tribes east of the Jordan river, the fulfillment of his promises to Calev, and the ongoing settlement in the countryside. These perakim close the cycles of the past and open a new section in the book of Yehoshua. 

  8. Yehoshua 15-16

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    These chapters describe the inheritance of the tribes of Yehuda and the children of Yosef (Menashe and Ephraim), as well as the story of Achsah, daughter of Calev. The length and style of the description teaches us about the relationship between the respective tribes and the progressing stages of the Land’s division. 

  9. Yehoshua 17-18

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    In these perakim, Yehoshua continues to apportion the remaining land. Facing him are the claims of B’nei Yosef and the need to rebuke the tribes for faltering in their individual conquests. 

  10. Yehoshua 19-20

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Having completed the division of the Land amongst the tribes, Yehoshua now begins to fulfill another commandment given to him by Moshe: dedicating the cities of refuge.  

  11. Yehoshua 21-22

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    At the conclusion of the apportioning of Eretz Yisrael, the “atypical” tribes receive permission to settle in their individual territories. The tribe of Levi, whose cities are located in the territories of other tribes, are sent to their allotments. The two and a half tribes are also dispatched to their chosen territory east of the Jordan River after having fulfilled their obligation to complete the general conquest with the rest of the tribes. 

  12. Yehoshua 23-24

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The book of Yehoshua is completed with two speeches made by Yehoshua as he parts from the nation. The death of Yehoshua marks the end of a heroic period of entry, conquest, and settlement of the Land of Israel.  

  13. Shoftim 1-2

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The book of Shoftim opens with a description of events from the days of Yehoshua told from a new perspective. The people of Israel must now transform conquest of the Land into permanent settlement and grapple with the vicissitudes that life in Israel brings.         

  14. Shoftim 3-4

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    These perakim detail the events Am Yisrael experience during the period of the first three judges. We will examine the overarching characteristics of this period’s leadership, focusing also on each judge’s unique qualities. 

  15. Shoftim 5-6

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    In perek 5 we read one of the longest poetic sections of Tanach: The Song of Devorah. This “song” provides us with additional perspectives on the battle fought by Devorah and Barak described in the previous perek. In perek 6, the period of Gidon’s leadership begins, a period we will continue to explore in the coming week. 

  16. Shoftim 7-8

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    These perakim describe Gidon’s war against the Midianites, the participation of the various tribes in the war, and the relationship Gidon has with them. The brilliant victory in battle removes what had been a national threat to Israel for many years. In addition, Gidon’s leadership causes the people of Israel to express, for the first time, their desire for a king. 

  17. Shoftim 9-10

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    In Perek 9, we encounter the murderous leadership of Avimelech, who rules until he himself was murdered. Perek 10 briefly describes periods of rule by multiple judges, and a national attempt to repent which is rejected by God.  

  18. Shoftim 11-12

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    In these Perakim we meet Yiftach, a figure whose leadership begins with high hopes but ends with both personal and communal tragedy. 

  19. Shoftim 13-14

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Perek 13 describes the tidings of the miraculous birth of Shimshon, a Nazirite from the time of conception. The tempestuous and enigmatic figure of Shimshon is revealed in all its power in Perek 14. 

  20. Shoftim 15-16

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The turbulent character of Shimshon is revealed to us in these perakim through tales of wars, women, and entrapments that accompany the last judge to his tragic end.       

  21. Shoftim 17-18

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The story of Micha and his mother, the story of the young Levite, and the men from the tribe of Dan seeking a new inheritance all meet at the new temple of foreign worship located in the city of Dan. 

  22. Shoftim 19-21

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The story of the concubine of Givah (“Pilegesh ba-Givah”) is one of the most difficult and shocking stories in the entire Tanach. The terrible abuse in Givah and the ensuing civil war, bring us to the final words of the book of Shoftim: “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.” 

  23. I Shmuel 1-2

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The story of Shmuel’s birth begins a new chapter in the history of the Jewish people. Both the book and the influential character of Shmuel serve as the transition between the national tragedies recounted at the end of Shoftim and the glorious heights the nation reached during the early days of the monarchy. 

  24. I Shmuel 3-4

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    The induction of Shmuel into the exalted world of prophecy renews the relationship between God and His nation which had been weakened during the period of the judges. Shmuel undergoes a personal transformation that dramatically changes his own life and the collective experience of the nation. 

  25. I Shmuel 5-6

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    These chapters follow the journey of the Ark after being captured by the Philistines. Through the attitude of the Philistines toward the Ark and their collective punishment, and through the bitter fate suffered by the people of Beit Shemesh, we learn just how dangerous inappropriate contact with the Ark can be. 

  26. I Shmuel 7-8

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Under Shmuel’s leadership, the nation triumphs over the Philistines, and a sense of normalcy is restored. However, Shmuel’s sons do not follow in his ways, leading to even stronger demands for a monarchy. 

  27. I Shmuel 9-10

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Seeking lost donkeys and the origins of royalty, standing head and shoulders among the people yet hiding himself among the baggage: Introduced in this colorful story is Shaul, first king of Israel. 

  28. I Shmuel 11-12

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Shaul realizes the dreams of the nation, achieving a brilliant victory against Bnei Ammon. Shmuel inaugurates Shaul for the third time and delivers a momentous farewell speech to the nation. 

  29. I Shmuel 13-14

    Matan Al Haperek

    Matan Al HaPerek - Neta Shapira

    Shaul’s first failure as king creates tension between him and Shmuel and seals his reign’s ominous fate. Yonatan, son of Shaul, triumphs in a brilliant military victory, almost losing his life in the process.