Working the land

Found 3 Search results

  1. Why Did God Not Accept Kayin's Offering?

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    Why didn't God accept Cain's offering? Why was He willing to accept Hevel's offering? Rav Hirsch and Hillel Zeitlin believe Cain was rejected for his choice of profession as one who works the land.

  2. Yitzhak in the Field: Prayer and Agriculture

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. Noach: Why Did God Destroy the World?

    Rabbi David Fohrman |

    When Noach is named, his father Lamech claims that he will provide relief for humankind - and less than 10 verses later, God decides to destroy the world. By comparing textual parallels of the two events, Rabbi Fohrman helps us understand Lamech's mistake, and how to better relate to God today.


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