
Found 5 Search results

  1. The Camp of Israel

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 35 minutes

    In this introduction to Sefer Bemidbar, which starts with a census, we look at the idea of counting and examine Rashi’s comments here and elsewhere about the census being part of God’s love for Bnei Yisrael. Other commentators further enhance and expand our perspectives on the Divine census and the encampment of Bnei Yisrael in the desert.

  2. Parshat Emor

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 29 minutes

    There are three main instances in the Torah where we are commanded to count towards a particular event: counting seven days in the process from impurity to purity, counting 50 years to yovel, and counting the omer (in our parsha). By examining these three mitzvot we can understand the beauty and uniqueness of the mitzvah of counting, whereby the Torah teaches us important lessons by involving us not only in the ultimate goal but in the process as well. 

  3. Four Mitzvot of Counting

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    Are all the instances of counting in the Torah similar? What are the differences between each  commandment to count, and what are the significances of these differences? 

  4. Yovel, Sefirat HaOmer, and the Mitzvah of Counting

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 18 minutes

    We are in the midst of the period of Sefirat Omer, and Parashat Behar speaks of counting years for the Shemitta (Sabbatical) and Yovel (Jubilee). Counting is abundantly necessary for many commandments in the Torah, such as Shabbat and Brit Mila, but for those and for other mitzvot there is no explicit commandment to count. Why, then, is there an explicit commandment to count in some circumstances, but not for others? Why do we need the mitzva of Sefirat HaOmer, and what is the significance of counting the years leading up until the Yovel?

    There is value  in the process itself, even for the 50-year timespan. Freedom and equality do not exist in a vacuum on the 50th year-- they must be part of the leadership's agenda throughout those 50 years. The journey may be just as important as the destination.

  5. Parshat Bemidbar - Of Counting and Consequences

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 35 minutes

    Parashat Bemidbar begins with a census. We will be discussing the topic of counting in this shiur. What is the purpose of counting and how is it done?

    We compare with Parashat Ki Tisa (Shekalim) and ask: why is it that counting can lead to a plague? Why is it that kofermachazit hashekel can fix this problem?